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Parallax on reused models


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After altering a few vanilla models and using them in my mod, the parallax effect on those models doesn't work anymore.


Is there a way to make it work again for those objects, preferrably in a way that won't require any tinkering from other users of my mod? (Btw using Project Parallax Remastered)

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So u imported nif in blender and export it or something?


Maybe u paste blocks for colision and stuff from vanilla nif back on to exported one.


This process involves removing the bslightingshaderproperty so u have to put it back on afterwards and maybe ur shader flags isnt set up right.


I think u gotta have the skyrim shader type set to heightmap and slsf1 parallax shader flag enabled.

Paralax map goes in the texture slot number 4


If u have the paralax on it then u gotta make your own maps or require installation of project parallax from users.


Anyway. compare you nif from the project paralax included nif to see whatelse is out of whack.

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U can author your own parallax maps.


Its greyscale and the skyrim one i looked at is using rgb dxt1 for whatever reason.(is the one channel dds format not compressed?And its probly why ur getting the specular maps on alpha channels a lot in games.)


Whiter is high regions and blacker is low regions. Sculpt and bake is best way for this but u can use just photoshoping.

Edited by baduk
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