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Wherwolf upgrade


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It feels weak. I thought it will be much more durable, but when i compared how much damage I can take while waring dwarven armor I must say - wherwolf sucks ;) It's great damage dealer, but weak. That's one thing, and second is, that I don't understand why did they have put time limit, which sucks even more.



1. Wherwolf has to be more durable (like 200% hp of turning character)

2. Time limit must go, there is no other way ;)



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I personally would love to see a more durable werewolf. I was looking forward to rampaging as a beastly badass when I got the ability, and found myself cut down disturbingly easily by a small group of bandit archers. I am tempted to go as far as saying that my beast form is actually weaker than my human form, which is sad.


- Reduced damage received. I know a werewolf has no armor, but... it's a werewolf. They should be harder to take down than their human counterparts, especially in the absence of any kind of health regen save feeding.

- More effectively aimed physical attacks. I dunno about the rest of you, but I find it is unreasonably easy to miss even a stationary target as a werewolf.

- Permanent life-tracking. Werewolves don't only smell their prey when they roar, as far as I know.

- Would love to see a transform toggle-option, rather than a time limit. It makes transforming all the less of an attractive option, especially in more challenging combat situations, as not only is there the chance that wolf form will be a liability rather than a boon, there's a chance that you won't be able to come out of it fast enough. This issue is exacerbated by the necessity of feeding attached to an extension of transformation time.

- Higher damage attacks on humanoid enemies! Especially things like bandits! Some of them die ridiculously slowly when they're getting mauled in the face.

- Power attacks consistently knock smaller foes down. This functionality is essential against groups, and it is difficult to aim the lunging strike in some smaller confines.

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i didnt wanted to make a new post so i comment this one to share my idea with you guys about werewolf improvements...


It would be nice to have as a werewolf something like this:


1. the less the days till fullmoon are the more powerfull is the werewolf and get some extrra abilities health, healthregen, stamina and resistance etc. At fullmoon the werewolf has its abilites and healtbonus etc. maxed out. After fullmoon the abilities get weaker or completely dissapears healthbonus and the other bonuses are slowly decreasing, They increase again the lless days till full moon and decrease after fullmoon and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again :D (like vampire stages)


2. Transforming into a werewolf at night is granted with some bonuses than during the day / Tranforming into a werewolf during the day causes to lower the healt etc of the werewolf.


3. If your companion is a werewolf he will tranform at the sametime as you :)



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I posted an idea that would probably make everyone happier being a werewolf, so I'll just quote it.


I really want a mod that enable us to switch between human and werewolf form at will with no time limits for the werewolf form. Sometimes I just want to give in to the hunt and wander the roads looking for prey to slaughter. Maybe Bloodlust could be turned into a minor defense/magic-resist buff that increase in effectiveness and duration (of the buff, not the transformation) every time you feed and decrease with time and when you lose health points. Low rank preys would give the smallest amount of time and buff effectiveness, while high rank preys would give the highest. The soul gems/soul trap system could be used as a base for deciding how much each victim eaten would increase Bloodlust buff and duration. And maybe a bar, that stars empty, fills up when you feed and decrease with time, could be added to show us how our Bloodlust buff is going.

Of course, the buff should have a max limit and shouldn't be overpowering. Just a minor buff is perfectly fine by me. And, of course, it shouldn't be too easy to fill the bar as well.


With that I think mosdt of us would be satisfied. They could also add a debuff for reverting to human form if you still have some Bloodlust buff left. What do you guys think?


Edit: @lukanito

I'd like to see my beatiful Aela turning into a werewolf and slaughtering our marry way. But maybe it should be a command we could give instead of her transforming as well whenever you transform. Sometime I really like having her watching my back with her archery skills.

Edited by BMenegroth
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