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Head bob in first person.


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I know there is head bob in the game already when you sprint in first person, but for some reason it is disabled on regular walking/running. I'd just like to ask if anyone could add that as a simple mod or tell me how to go about doing it my self.


It makes me very dizzy to see my character slide across the ground like he is standing on a hoverboard. Head bob for some reason is a must for me to not get motion sickness. :)


It would also add a lot of immersion in the first person movement too.

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Are you sure you're not mistaking that for the camera height changing, like when you're walking up stairs?


After 80 hours of 1st person play time, I'm pretty convinced it's confined to sprinting.



It's definitely there. There are two bobbing animations (walking/running) and four intensities (slow to fast motion) for each camera mode (first/third person). The intensities are low and the effect is subtle, but you will notice it if you run (not sprint) on a flat surface in first person mode. The sprinting sway is implemented differently from the normal bobbing.


Somehow they have a bobbing animation that is enough to make some people sick and yet not enough to be noticed by those wanting it for immersion. A slider in the options for the next game would be appreciated, I think.


For those wishing to remove head bobbing in most modes: Plynx's No Motion Sickness Mod.

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