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The Settlement portion of FO-4


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I don't fully level settlements either. I'll scrap all the junk or debris that I find and leave stuff like trees to make it still feel natural. I've been tempted to get the mods that give you access to everything but for some reason I haven't and I've tried to build up settlements using mostly stuff from the vanilla game and dlcs. I'll get mods that give specific things I'm looking for, especially pieces I thought should have been included in the vanilla game (half piece walls, wooden interior doorway).


It's been interesting to watch certain settlements like Sanctuary evolve over time though. Each time a dlc comes out and new materials are introduced, I'll go back and improve or rethink some parts of a settlement. One goal I always keep in mind is to make it look like it is believable and that it fits into the game. Once I get it the way I like it then I'll go to other mods like Singing Settler and Build Your Own Pool and start adding luxury things. Although lately I've been trying to track down what's been wrecking my happiness in certain settlements. I'm suspecting the Singing Settler mod is guilty because only the settlements where I've placed a singer have screwed up stats and incorrect resource numbers even though everything should be fine.


And I was a little frustrated too with some of the settlements and not being able to scrap or repair certain parts like the houses in Sanctuary or Croup Manor. If I get too bored then I may get a mod to level those spots and build something new.

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Like I stated in the OP. I decided to go 'here' - because of corruption of the game I was in w/the install of the Vault-Tec DLC.


I figured I would "play" a little and found, ya, it is annoying as hell, time wise - but it was also a bit fun.


I gave the Jun and Marcy their own room, upstairs. Then gave Sturges a 'workshop' that I know he will never use, but it seemed he "needed one".


Mama Murphy I gave her, her own room and a garden area, Tatos that she can just work out her chem addiction withdrawals with.


Preston, I gave him a "Look Out Tower" ... but I know he will never go up there. But again, it 'felt right'.

So today, the new Patch - Update made it so I cannot do anything, until SE gets caught up. No, I do not fault them. It is what it is.


But what annoyed me was all those hole in the walls - roofs and such.


But I did discover something. I have a mod that allows for glass windows. What I saw was when I'm inside or outside, if you get "just right" and you can see the reflection of Concord instead of the room you are in and/or outside looking in. Concord skyline.


Thought that a bit strange.

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I enjoy the settlement building. Some days most of my time playing is spent just upgrading and improving settlements. Sanctuary was the main base for the first two games, in the third it's Starlight Drive In. This game started with the idea of Sanctuary being home again, but over time I developed a strong dislike for Preston and his band of useless moochers. Everything I had built there was scrapped, the half dozen or so settlers were sent elsewhere and the five refugees from Concord were left there with sufficient beds, food and water, and defense and all the houses are intact. I rarely go back since the quests from Preston have stopped.


The next game will have me starting with Red Rocket as home. Sanctuary will be used at first as source of scrap and will only be minimally improved after I decide to rescue PG and company from the museum. I will probably try to get most of the settlements before that happens.


Spring Cleaning, Better Settlers, Don't Call Me Settler and Settlement Management Software are great mods if you're into settlement building.

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@jjb54 just a few suggestions for your next time in sanctuary since you have already scrapped the houses.










Since each one of those mods is only a texture or mesh replacement it's fairly simple to use and no esp's needed. I install them as patch job first then paint that house since they have some overwrites otherwise. Check the "paint that house" description for details.

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it is possible to reconfigure the keys but I think F12 is default for screenshots. After exiting the game the uploader will ask you to delete or upload the current screenshots. I wind up deleting most of them but if I get something I like I upload it to steam where they appear under content in your profile

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