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Alternative death?!


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So i just thought of it its kind of stupid that when you die you need to load a game ?! :wacko: i thought it was kind of stupid for such a huge game.

So is there a mod that changes this ? If not i thought of some kind of heaven or place where you go when you die (like in PREY that you shoot birds for health etc...)

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Well, you see, in TES Lore, there is no re-animation except for undead, so once you die, that's it. The only way you can come back is if a Daedra Lord or Aedra does it. Now that could possibly work in Morrowind, since the Nerevarine is protected by Azura, but in Oblivion, the player isn't some sort of prophesied hero protected by the gods. In short, there is no lore friendly way of re-animation, and there's nothing to do after you die. So, ending the game upon death is logical.
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That's all true but then there are people who don't really care about lore - like the ones who'd want to have a BFG 9000 or a helicopter mod.


I'm not 100% sure but I think it can be done, I'm just not sure if it's possible to override the sequence of events when player has 0 health, or to have a function that returns a positive value when the player is about to be dropped to 0 or less health. If there are no problems with that, then the mod would be fairly simple to make, as it only requires some scripts to teleport the player to heaven and return it to the same place. ( if he wouldn't return to the same place but somewhere else it could easily break many quests ). The only real problem I can see is conflict with quests.

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There is a mod called Death Inc. by WetWare7. It resurrects you back at the sewer exit. without your gear (except quest items). But you can (usually)go find your own corpse and retrieve your gear. You don't loose any skills or levels. I used it for a while, but got tired of having to travel back to where I was killed to find my corpse. Then getting killed again trying to retrieve my gear.
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