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Dwemer Steam crossbow!


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I know this likely won't be possible until the tool kit comes out, but considering that most Dwemer weapons are salvaged or based off mechanical implements that their amunculi use, why not the crossbow on the arm of the sentry orb? Could be as simple as making them a drop/item in the world, or (preferably) as complex as having it's own quest line to find working parts, a blueprint/manual of sorts and assemble the crossbow. Which in itself has unique mechanics as compared to normal bows? Or at least plenty of "zazz" such as steam gouts, whirring bits and all that awesome nonsense.


Bonus points if the mechanism straps to the arm, exactly as it does for the steam centurion.

Edited by siomasm
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i agree with a steam-powered crossbow, the so much of the dewemers revealed in skyrim and there's nothing nothing you can do with all the junk you can find in the ruins, you should be able to craft the steam-powered machines that you come across in the ruins with the particular parts, and even some interesting weapons as well, including the steam-powered crossbow.
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Do you mean a steam-powered crossbow or a crossbow that fires steam? I only ask because I've only fought one centurion but I didn't really get a good look at it's steam weapon. Anyway, it must be possible as it's basically in the game. It's a pity you can't go to a dungeon and rip one of those arrow traps out of the wall; those function as a crossbow, pretty much.


there's nothing nothing you can do with all the junk you can find in the ruins


Yep, you can't even melt down all the dwemer objects to make ingots. I know you can melt down certain things but not stuff like cogs and bent scrap metal.

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