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Can I ask this...


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Well hello everyone and im writting this because I would like to ask some questions if I may:


1. Does anyone know when the Skyrim Creation Kit will be released? ( I mean by this question how much time is left'much, little, etc. If you can give me date it would be apreciated.)

2. How can I create new meshes and textures for Skyrim?

3. How can I get from Skyrim the meshes and textures it has?


Well im asking the question od the S:CS becaise im so eager...lol

The question 2 and 3 are just for a mod I would like to create that is like of World of Warcraft by the iron helms and all the other armors, the giants, the undead, the snow, the places, the buildings, horses, spells, and DRAGONS. Well I think you all may know what im talking about lol, bringing the Lich King back to life if i may.


One last question...


Can I use the Jojjo Lich King Armor of Oblivion on Skyrim or ill just have to create all of the armor?


Srry for all the questions is that im new on this....:):):)


May everyone have a good day!

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1.) To be announced. Supposedly next week.

2.) You could use Blender and Gimp (Or 3DSMax/Photoshop if you have the money/correct connections)

3.) You would need some type of extractor. I believe you can use one from Fallout 3 to extract the BSA's, but I don't know personally.


It is totally possible to use Jojjo's Lich King armor and port it to Skyrim, if you know how to rig it to the body models in Skyrim. Also, you would need his permission.


I hope you have a good day/night depending where on the world you are on.

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