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Music in the Inn's of Skyrim


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Hey everyone,


First post :P


One thing I was very excited about in Skyrim was the music in the Inn's. Granted they have done an ok job, but they don't really cater for such beings as myself. I love to sit there and listen to music and watch a roaring a fire with a tankard of ale in my hand, one thing I was looking forward too. After each song in each inn was played I was bored! :D


I'm just looking for a mod that expands the music in the inn's. Even if it's with songs that already exists... Concerning Hobbits for example. I would gladly provide assistance (I'll provide WAV [or whatever file is needed] version of song's if needed) in anyway and pay for such a mod! Roll on the Theme of Inn's! :D


What does everything one else think about the music in the inn's?




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I was expecting to be able to sit down and engage in some type of Drinking mini game as seen in one of the Trailers, all the while having some different music bar the same two songs playing in the back ground.


Exactly, After one of the song's have played, that's it. Done. Some kind of mod that can ease that pain.

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What does everything one else think about the music in the inn


I think the bards need to go back to bard school and learn some more songs!


It was great the first time I walked into an inn. I just sat down by the fire, ordered a drink, and listened to the bard, expecting at least a few different songs, while I talked to the NPCs sitting near. Then I realised the NPC was going to repeat his dialogue over and over, so I moved seats. By that time, the bard had ran out of material so I left the inn, hoping that each inn has it's own repertoire, but nope.


I can't understand why the bards don't have more material like short poems, limericks, and folk songs. There must be loads of stuff in the public domain, it just needed to be recorded.

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Yeah, the dialogues in the general is like, WAY too repeatative. I swear, the next time I hear "Looking to protect your self, or deal some damage?" I will go out on the street and deal some damage.


And definately more songs. It can't be that every bard knows every song. And exactly the same songs.

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