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Vampire rework?!


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My first post here in the forums.


Anyway, I'm pretty sure i'm not the only one that thinks vampirism has too many cons and few pros.

Vampirism doesn't affects your combat skills like in oblivion, which is weird, and instead we only get an illusion (Edit:and stealth) boost.

The fire weakness is too great in all stages, 100% fire weakness is absurd, makes the main quest almost unplayable unless you have fire resistance enchanted gear.



Anyway, here are some of the changes I think should be done to vampirism


All stages of vampirism should boost the following skills-One handed, Two handed, archery, destruction, conjuration | sneak, illusion, speechcraft( percentage damage boosts in combat skills, percentage effect boosts on speechcraft and other non combat skills)


The latter the stage, the bigger the boosts in the skills.

Stage 1:5% in all skills (10% in non combat skills)

Stage 2:10% in all skills (20% in non combat skills)

Stage 3:15% in all skills (30% in non combat skills)

Stage 4:20% in all skills (40% in non combat skills)

Cut the maximum frost resistance percentage to 75%(down from 100% which was too high IMO)

Cut the maximum fire weakness percentage to 50%(should fix the dragon problem vampires have)


Vampiric drain needs a huge change, it's crap now, it scales horribly in damage.


Stage 1 Vampiric drain - Absorb 5(up from 2) points of health per second from target magicka cost 8 per second {Novice Destruction spell}

Stage 2 Vampiric drain - Absorb 8(up from 3) points of health per second from target magicka cost 12 per second {Apprentice Destruction spell}

Stage 3 Vampiric drain - Absorb 12(up from 4) points of health per second from target, magicka cost 16 per second {Adept Destruction spell}

Stage 4 Vampiric drain - Absorb 15(up from 5) points of health per second from target, magicka cost 20 per second {Expert Destruction spell}


Balanced, imbalanced?

Edited by draker696
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