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Patch Request for mod functionality with USLEEP


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There's a mod made by Allomerus called "Thalmor and Arcane Clothing Expanded" which edited the Thalmor (and other) robes with a hood so that said hood was detached, allowing a person to wear their choice of headgear (I use this extensively with a dragon priests' mask retexture) - in addition to modifying all base enchantments for the Thalmor clothing. The mod worked with older Unofficial Skyrim Patch versions but something about USLEEP causes it to crash the game now. I've asked the mod's author for permission (and they consented) and so now ask the Skyrim community if someone could make a patch for the "Thalmor and Arcane Clothing Expanded" mod. And then post a link to it on the "Thalmor and Arcane Clothing Expanded" page under the Posts section.


Allomerus' only request is that he is still be credited for the mod itself.


Thank you.

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