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Save Manager


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So I got that retarded Steam update after I launched Steam on accident. And now the save manager I was using doesn't work anymore. http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=365


I went and updated it, thinking that would help. It even has the added option to "Use Steam" now. But even when I tick that box and click start, it pulls up the normal window that you would select play in, and after clicking play it just keeps closing and re-opening that window.


Anyone know how to fix this? I know it is possible because people are still using the mod. I remember seeing a file that was uploaded a few days back, I believe it said something about replacing the file Steam updated with the old file used before the update happened. But I don't remember where that file is or what it was titled as.


So can anyone help? I have too many characters to play this without the save manager, the built in save functions like to constantly write over my saves and mess things up....

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