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Obvaald - The land on the brink of destruction


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I can't help you, but I wanted to give you a thumb's up. Your plot sounds good and your map looks great. Good luck with it, and:

Good luck in school. University or High School?

I'm in middle school (14 years old and I'm in 8th grade) according to the American school system but in the Swedish school system (Sweden is where I'm from) I'm considered to be in high school. Here in Sweden our high schools starts from year 6 and goes on 'til year 9. After that we go to gymnasiums and then to universities.

Edited by BarackOshizzle
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Awesome! I have been playing Skyrim since the first month it came out. I am a 71-year old American, now living and teaching in the Far East. (Wish I had students as smart as you). My students are amazed that I play computer games (old dude that I am). Unfortunately, here most just play games that only involve mindless killing and not much thinking. Good luck to you and (insert ironic laugh here) "Don't forget to do your homework!" :laugh:

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In an effort to "further spice up the terrain" I'll be trying perlin noise for my terrain. This means that I'll remake the whole map, but it'll look more natural and most likely better. I will however keep a backup of the map's current state. Look forward to a better map :)

Edited by BarackOshizzle
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Sounds promising. Always nice to see more quest mods and new lands still being added and made.
Good luck on both the project and school!

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Sorry guys... I have to put this project on hold. As much as I would've loved to finish this I just can't do this by myself and my school's schedule gives me barely any spare time. I'd like to apologize to those who wanted this project to be finished. :(

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:smile:Right now, your school has to come first (I am sure I sound like your parents). However, you have your whole life ahead of you. When you finally get back to being able to create PC mods--sometime in the future--the tools you will have, and the abilities you will have gained, will make you an even better modder.

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