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Mod Idea/Request?


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Hiya :)


I am certainly no modder, tho I wish I knew how to. I am an avid fan of a lot of the mods from here and am anxious to see what creations you guys will come up with next. I just had a couple thoughts I wanted to throw in and see if they were possible or just plain dumb.


1: Horses for companions. I would have thought that they would have put this in but apparently they thought that it would be fun to wait an hour for a companion to catch up. When I bought my first horse I tried buying one for my companion, but no I couldn't. So i bought 2 horses and tried to order my companion to ride one, but could not do that either. Is there any possibility of making a mod that would allow you to give a horse to your companion?


2: I am a HUGE fan of the Forsworn armors that some have been coming out with. Especially the black one found here but I noticed that a lot of them have left a bit of the original necklace in it as in this pic



Is there any easy quick fix for this that a nub like myself might be able to do?


3: Last on is Lydia. I never use her as a companion I just leave her at home. I cannot take all her armor and give her something more "house maidy" to wear. Is there any way to edit what she is wearing or to get her wearing this



Well thats all I got. Thanks for reading, and thank you so much for modding!

Edited by Mibbitts
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I'd be satisfied with "My companion can jump on my horse with me". I was very surprised. I felt like.. such an ass... making Lydia walk in the snow while I trotted along. c_c


And that maid's outfit is cute.


And no, it's not a bad suggestion. Have you looked at how many pages are posts from today alone? This is just a very popular board right now.

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