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Revenge Long Awaited


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Okay, so I'm running a fairly benevolent character who makes journal entries ever so often to collect his/my thoughts. Upon writing one entry, I was revisited by my intense annoyance at the two most annoyingly cliche characters in Fallout 4.


Jun 'Perma-Emo' Long and Marcy 'Irritable Anger' Long.


Now, I am a fairly freaking patient person. I have to be, considering my preferred line of work (EMS). But when you've disemboweled every single gunner in Quincy, annihilated the Institute, and basically blood-eagled (side note, would anyone be interested in setting static blood eagle decorations up? I would think they'd provide security, considering that most people would avoid the hell out of an area decorated with those.) every Raider I have come across in the Commonwealth, it becomes quite annoying to listen to them complain. In a previous game, I simply disabled them and went along my merry way. However, in this one, I would dearly love to gain my revenge a better way. A way that changes who they are.


I want to quite publicly (either with them witnessing it first-hand or by word of mouth) avenge their son. Find a way to give them closure, even if I have to do like in New Vegas and find their son's body and carry it all the way back to Sanctuary so they can bury him. I don't care. I just want a mod that gives them some actual character development so they're a bit more than gloomy doorstops.


Seriously, most people who have lost something know that they have to move on. These people, meanwhile, are allowed (by writing) to wallow in their depression. Yes, loss is devastating. But you know what helps, Jun? NOT f*#@ING PARROTING THE SAME LINE TO ME EVERY TIME I WALK PAST YOU!


Hell, maybe someone could mod in an additional workstation - Psychologist.


And yes, I know that this mod would require somehow writing new dialogue for the Longs, but I would like a long-term solution.




Mod Ideas:


Blood Eagle Decoration (5-10 defense because of the pure terror factor): https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/d8/7f/d5/d87fd507b586f2f50553b13ac61ce63f.jpg


Settlement Psychologist: Because let's be honest, most of our settlers have probably seen some s#*!, and a large amount have very likely gone through the same s#*! as the Longs without becoming perma-emo or obsessively b*tchy.


Long-Awaited Revenge: Find the Raider tribe who killed the Longs' son. Either with the Longs' help or alone, convert them... into piles of unrecognizable wet flesh, and report back. Alternately: Find the son's body/favorite toy and recover it so they can hold some sort of service. After effect? They move on. Maybe not becoming cheerful, but at least not parroting the same GD lines about missing him or Marcy's constant B*tchiness.

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@ Number 3 = No longer necessary, as Bugthesda have bowed down to the overwhelming hate for the Long's that is percolating across the interwebs, and in their latest (1.7) patch, have removed the essential tag from that ungrateful pair, (after the Sanctuary quests are completed of course)

So now you can mutilate Marcy's body, and drop Jun into nuclear blast crater or your own creation, without hindrance. <singing> ... " Oh happy day ..."

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