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players city.


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alright guys what I'm thinking is what about a city somewhere in skyrim that the player can do quests to become the jarl? maybe even a real time settler from fallout idea possibly building your own city from the ground up. or possibly you find a ruined castle and surrounding village such as helgen where you do quests to rebuild the town and recruiting a mercenary group to protect it?


ideas, thoughts?

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yeah even just being a leader of a small village such as riverwood would please me. I like to be in charge of something in games. but I think the rebuilding helgen instead of a whole new city would be the best idea eg the old jarl was killed in the dragon attack a small band of people wish to eliminate the bandits holding out there (possible stormcloak vs imperial fort style quest) then working with them to rebuild, collecting resources to make up the building etc (another quest) the recruiting blacksmith and other shops and then guards and finally some sort of parade where they thank you for helping rebuild and make you jarl.
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Helgen was not a separate city, it was a walled town with a legion fort within it's walls, it is actually a minor city/large town in Falkreath hold


it in sense already belongs to a (nonetheless ignorant) Jarl.


however a quest-line for buy-able forts, from which a small town sprawls would be cool :P

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Imo, this idea is great, as long as a few things are taken into account:


If you are the Jarl or a leader of helgen or what ever, its no fun unless you can boss people around :P

I mean, for example, I am the frikkin' archmage, and the other mages still ask me to do stuff for them. Like, what the heck? When was the last time you asked your boss to go get you some cogs?


So, in a town, there are adventures, and you definately should be able to send em on a mission in some dungeon. So what if they die in the progress, its just for fun :P


Also, if you start with rebuilding Helgen, ya could start your own little war against the Jarl to take his place. Ya could send your own little army to first take over riverwood and some strategic spots like the watchtower and what not. Then advance on the city. Well, not like I can't shout the city dead alone, but sending an armed force to take it over would be fun.

And then start collecting taxes :D


And if the modders are having fun making this happen, they could add the option to start invading other jarls territories. AND BECOME THE HIGH KING! xD (That should be real hard tho. And time consuming. No fun unless its hard.)

Well, I would settle for whiterun tho. As long as I can boss people around :P

Edited by Sanzennin
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I think becoming High king may be a bit extreme, just my opinion. but I like the ordering people what to do idea. maybe even ordering a few to meet you at a dungeon or fort to ransack it and having people pay taxes so you can upgrade your city and expand. sounds cool.
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