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Should i join the imperial legion or stormcloaks?


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Currently playing a high elf battlemage, haven't decided yet who to help, but if my char would secretly be a Thalmor spy/agent it's gonna be stormcloaks, baby! Death to ze empire!


I really liked the way Hadvar cast a suspicious eye on me when I was done creating my high elf ("You're not with the Thalmor, are you? No that wouldn't be right"). Maybe he was right ;D

Edited by Moredhel
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I have played through both sides. The fight is almost identical... only difference is the location of fights and which side you are on for the battle of whiterun.


As for the "choice" between which side to be on, I want you to take a look at and explore the 2 capitols, really hear what the opinions of the people living directly under the rule of either side.


I joined the Legion after the fact. I have played since daggerfall and I hate how corrupt the legion was in the 3rd era, In Morrowind as a dunmer I hated the legion and how they try to list and micromanage everything.


From the beginning of the game, the legion again looks corrupt, cold, and unjust ... I mean what did you do to receive the death penalty?


But in the end, the stormcloaks are no better. Ulfric ignores any bandit raid on a khajiit caravans, dunmer refugies... anyone that isnt a nord. They dont let Argonians in the cities, they restrict the Dunmer to the slums, and they believe that Skyrim should be left to the Nords. The legion, though broken and corrupt, at least makes clear efforts to protect any of its supporting civilians.


The war in and of itself, is a thalmor manipulation. The legion is working within the limitations of the white-gold concordat. The Stormcloaks believe that the Imperials are sellouts for this. The prolonged fighting weakens Skyrim amply for the possibility of a Thalmor invasion. Also thanks to the return of the dragons the thalmor are in a position to rekindle the war. So as a member of the legion, you are required to support the Thalmor as allies. By not joining the war on either side, you support a long outstretched war. By supporting the legion, you fight for the unity of the empire, something needed to fully combat the Thalmor. By joining the stormcloaks you guarantee the liberation of Skyrim, but also support the oppression of all other races.


Though corrupt, I gotta side with the legion... and then do the DB questline to be able to possibly further your own agenda.


As for the freedom of religion... that is just a ploy for the stormcloaks to rally behind. What is the temple in the Imperial City dedicated to? Talos... So you can assume that they arent happy about the situation anymore than the Nords.

Edited by Odai
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For those that don't wanna read a bunch of fluff, I'm choosing the Imperials.


Fluff: I'm playing a Wood Elf with a tribal sort of background (Using ONLY Forsworn weapons and leather armors for combat. Have a set of Destruction gear for electrical Wave Motion Gun action (Master rank Lightning spell).) so she's pretty invested in having the Imperials win the war. The reasoning is that the Imperials probably stand a better chance at overthrowing the Thalmor. If the Stormcloaks took over, then they'd have to reestablish diplomatic ties with the other provenience.


Regardless of who wins though, she's still going to end up stalking, butchering and looting any Thalmor that comes into Skyrim. Little payback, ya know. I mean, bring on the Thalmor legions. Mel can already two-shot dragons with her axes (Maxed out One-Handed at the bear thing in the keep at the start and maxed Alchemy, Smithing and Enchanting) and she can go all BEAM SPAM on them with her Master level Destruction spells.

Edited by SilusCrow
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Why would anyone chose Stormcloaks? Siding with Stormcloaks will result in the Thalmor taking over the entire Tamriel region. What aboud all the Nord blood that was spilled in The Great War? And Ulfric is a racist, arrogant fool.


At the Thalmor embassy there's a Journal that states that it would be highly beneficial if the Stormcloaks won the turmoil and who would side with the Thalmor. Thalmor is the root to all evil!


If you're not playing an evil character I see no reason for joining the Stormcloaks.

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As a good character and a Nord, I felt duty bound to serve the people of Skyrim. So I went to the various places around the world and I listened to the people's gossip and talks about the war. I then thought back to how I was treated at Helgen, how the Imperials do not care about the people, only that everything seems to be in order for them to succesfully rule over Skyrim. They didn't care that I was not on their list, that I was not dressed as the other Stormcloaks, and they didn't even consider that I might not be with them. They only cared about their damned lists, not that there was an innocent woman being murdered.


After listening to both sides of the story I then further went on to understand that the Imperials were in a pretty shoddy state, having recently ended the Great War and basically being put on the sidelines. I then found that it was the Imperials, who in their ever dishonoring way, chose to banish the worship of Talos, whom I had always considered a god, so that they may continue to survive to fight a worthless war against the Thalmor.


Both sides had very muddied views of each other. The Imperials thought that the Stormcloaks were only in it for themselves, and that Ulfric only wanted power. The Stormcloaks thought the Imperials were milk drinking dishonorable welps who didn't give a damn about any one. I saw them Imperials as a group of people who held power for ages, trying desperately to restore that power and to maintain their hold on the provinces so that they could defeat the Thalmor who were threatening all. I saw the Stormcloaks as the sons and daughters of Skyrim, who were looking out for their own people. They wanted to take Skyrim away from the Empire and to restore it to it's former glory. They cared for the people of Skyrim, and they wanted freedom for all involved.


In the end I chose the Stormcloaks. My reasoning? Because they truly cared about the people. The Imperials didn't care about the people fighting their wars. They held their power and then they lost it, and I honestly think that maybe the world would be better without them. Yes, there would be a time of chaos as power exchanged hands, though I'm sure Skyrim would remain powerful, as they had always done, and they would remain free.

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I think my main deciding factor deals with the initial conflict. I haven't run into these answers yet with my meandering.


Did Ulfric really murder the king, or was it a fair fight?

Did the king agree to a duel?

If there was a duel, did the king surrender?

If there was a duel, did Ulfric lose his temper and go overboard shouting the high king repeatedly after the surrender?


In my mind, I picturing Ulfric challenging the High King to a duel. The High King refuses since the laws of the land are now different. Ulfric attacks the King anyway, forcing the King to battle. King orders guards to stay out of it. The two duel it out, it's close, eventually Ulfric must resort to shouting to win. The High King surrenders, but still isn't to keen to hand over the throne, since the rule of the Empire and the Rule of Old conflict. Ulfric gets angry that he won't just immediately hand it over and Shouts him repeatedly until the king's body is broken and dying. King's guards think this has gone to far and orders Ulfric captured. Ulfric flees. Gate guard heard there was a duel, so let's him pass not knowing the whole story...queue game start.


Anyone know how it really happened? I chose the above scenario as it seems like the middle ground that both sides could twist to their favor without actually lying.

Edited by LancerChronics
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As a good character and a Nord, I felt duty bound to serve the people of Skyrim. So I went to the various places around the world and I listened to the people's gossip and talks about the war. I then thought back to how I was treated at Helgen, how the Imperials do not care about the people, only that everything seems to be in order for them to succesfully rule over Skyrim. They didn't care that I was not on their list, that I was not dressed as the other Stormcloaks, and they didn't even consider that I might not be with them. They only cared about their damned lists, not that there was an innocent woman being murdered.


After listening to both sides of the story I then further went on to understand that the Imperials were in a pretty shoddy state, having recently ended the Great War and basically being put on the sidelines. I then found that it was the Imperials, who in their ever dishonoring way, chose to banish the worship of Talos, whom I had always considered a god, so that they may continue to survive to fight a worthless war against the Thalmor.


Both sides had very muddied views of each other. The Imperials thought that the Stormcloaks were only in it for themselves, and that Ulfric only wanted power. The Stormcloaks thought the Imperials were milk drinking dishonorable welps who didn't give a damn about any one. I saw them Imperials as a group of people who held power for ages, trying desperately to restore that power and to maintain their hold on the provinces so that they could defeat the Thalmor who were threatening all. I saw the Stormcloaks as the sons and daughters of Skyrim, who were looking out for their own people. They wanted to take Skyrim away from the Empire and to restore it to it's former glory. They cared for the people of Skyrim, and they wanted freedom for all involved.


In the end I chose the Stormcloaks. My reasoning? Because they truly cared about the people. The Imperials didn't care about the people fighting their wars. They held their power and then they lost it, and I honestly think that maybe the world would be better without them. Yes, there would be a time of chaos as power exchanged hands, though I'm sure Skyrim would remain powerful, as they had always done, and they would remain free.


There are a few points here that I disagree with. 1st of all the Empire already lost to the Aldmeri Dominion during the Great War, during which the Aldmeri sacked the Imperial City, they either had to surrender and agree to the terms of the White-Gold concordant, or have their entire empire completely destroyed. Secondly, the Empire did not choose to outlaw the worship of Talos, as they did not come up with the White-Gold Concordant, the Aldmeri Dominion did. And lastly, the Aldmeri Dominion are not "threatening" to take control of the provinces of Tamriel, they already have control of most of the provinces. They have control of Hammerfell, Elsweyr, Valenwood, and Summerset Isles. Black Marsh seceded from the Empire, and I am unsure exactly what has happened in High Rock. This leaves the Empire with Cyrodiil, Morrowind, and Skyrim. Due to a huge volcanic eruption in Morrowind, many of its areas are not even habitable. I think that its safe to say that the Aldmeri Dominion are the new power of Tamriel.


Personally I went with the Imperials, because I find it foolish for Skyrim to be rebelling against an Empire that was created by a Nord, because they would rather die in battle than live to fight another day. Especially since a divided Empire is exactly what the Aldmeri need in order to be able to take over. I also found their treatment of the other races to be atrocious, when they don't really have a reason to hate any race besides the Altmer and Bosmer (Mostly the Altmer). My next character will definitely be a Nord loyal to the "Sons of Skyrim" though.

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"The fools - Stormcloaks, Legions. Let them fight their war. We'd swoop in with our armies and conquer both Cyrodiil and Skyrim once they are weakened." - Thalmor High Princes


A mod that let you join the Aldmeri Dominion faction would be cool? That would be the natural choice for any High Elf character? lol


Down with Ulfric the Killer of Kings~ On the day of your death, we'd feast and we'd sing~

Drive out the Empire from Skyrim, divide them and then conquer them!


Hur hur hur hur hur~ :D

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