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Should i join the imperial legion or stormcloaks?


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The imperials need Skyrim, eventually they'll gain the strength to fight off the Aldmeri Dominion. On the other hand, they tried to cut off your head without trial. The Stormcloaks just want their home back. But they're all racist bigots.


Same goes for the elves. They just want their homeland back but they're also a bunch of racist bigots right up there with the best Imperials and Nords. The side I'd most like the aid is the Falmer but geez they turned out fugly. There were some good looking Ice & Snow elves modded into Oblivion (I'm thinking Ambreska) couldn't they be considered as refugees and brought back to Skyrim. Certainly would make the place look better and take my mind off the snow, more snow and ice thing.

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Did Ulfric really murder the king, or was it a fair fight?


It was a "fair fight" accept that Ulfric used the voice to his advantage. He didnt kill him with the voice though, just brought him to his knees.

Did the king agree to a duel?

Supposedly yes.

If there was a duel, did the king surrender?

No information I have come across


If there was a duel, did Ulfric lose his temper and go overboard shouting the high king repeatedly after the surrender?

Again. no detail. Just that Ulfric used the voice to incapacitate the high king, who was supposedly a boy (I guess around 20's) then used his sword for the final blow

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Could not make my mind up.....so im going to play out both stories on very different chars.


Imperial. Going with a Dunmer allrounder dugeon trawler, due to the racism from the nords and that he's out to make money where he can....so the imperials goal currently suits his purpose.


Stormcloaks.Nord female weapons/magika fighting for her homeland (misguided or not) will have to see the story pan out.....

Edited by crudius
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t was a "fair fight" accept that Ulfric used the voice to his advantage. He didnt kill him with the voice though, just brought him to his knees.

It was a duel. Not fair. In a duel you get the same tools, and the skill is what decides. Using super power as the voice is as unfair as it gets.


If there was a duel, did the king surrender?

We don't know, but I doubt it. Honor and pride is something valued highly in Skyrim, at least with the Nords.


Really, there is nothing fair about it. It's like bringing a gun to a swordfight. You gain such a huge advantage it is murder, not a duel. The high king went to fight, because he knew he'd win. If he knew he would be shouted down and stabbed, he'd deny. What can you do against a shout? You are forced down to the ground, where one can just quietly go over and stab you.

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I started the game out as a Redguard and right away sided with the Stormcloaks. After all, the Imperials just tried to kill me! Then I met the Jarl of Whiterun and I thought to myself, this pompous jerk is going down! So I headed to Windhelm to join the rebellion, and what I saw there was shocking... A windy, snowy stone cold city, drab and soulless, full of racists heaping misery unto those not of the master race. Then I went and spoke with Ulfric and his lieutenant, both are xenophobes and cared little for my plight. Ulfric needs good men he says, true Nords willing to fight for their homeland, not sellswords. Well, Mr Ulfric Sir, this is NOT my homeland and I am definitely NOT fighting for you for free, you racist prink. And you know what? This city of yours is frikkin' cold and you can stuff it up your posterior. So I headed right back to Whiterun, bought a house, and sold my sword to the highest bidder; i.e. the Empire. Eat that, Stormcloaks!
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