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Would like to see these


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Things I would like to see, sorry if some are redundant and for my poor grammar in advance..


1) More options for housing decor , Like the ability to add more chests or storage and to move things around inside the house.. Very frustrating that for 25000g the house doesnt have an alchemy bag near the table


2) Multiple Wives like one per city i mean they allow a man and man to marry and two women but not polygamists lol, would be nice to be able to have a wife in each town for company while you are in a different house, not like the 100g a day would be broken if it was 500 instead gold is already ridiculously easy to make. and a few more merhcants couldnt hurt


3) more houshold apparatus IE a smelter and a forge maybe work bench , wood chopping block etc all buyable ..



this is all i got for now but will add more if /when i can think of it atm it is like 4am and i am getting ready to start cooking for Thanksgiving anyway happy holidays...

Edited by RB94
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