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Skyrim Carriage Bug [ randomly accurs ]


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So as the tittle says im getting randomly carriage bug when starting a new game.


I run a heavy modded skyrim ( not completed yet ) and want to start a new game to get a " clean " save to test mods out, i read some post in this forum an the main problem is that in the intro there's a lot of scripting things going on and if you run a heavy modded skyrim this can happen, i read that you need to disable all your mods to get pass through the " tutorial " and then activate all the mods, the problem is that some mods needs to be loaded when starting a new save game so .... im a little confused about that


PD: as i say i can pass through the entire " tutorial " with all my mods activated without getting the carriage bug, but is quite disturbing ...


PD2: Create a clean savegame with all my mods without getting any issue / carriage bug, everything working correclty

Edited by PILLAT
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Thx i will have that in mind if i can't get pass through the tutorial when i complete my skyrim

Just a simple question, if i can avoid this " bug " without trying that tips my save will be fine right ?

PD: NEVER touch my ini/prefs without know what im doing so they are clearly clean //// always have vync from the enb & triple buffer in nvidia panel with some tweaks more

PD2: also i didn't have any crashees at all ( just random crashes with the dirty save cos deleting mods with scripts )

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Hi mate


With the new savegame " clean " i have random CTD when loading the savegame ( only 1 of 3 loads for now ) ( NEVER crash when starting skyrim ) so i decided to do a stress test





True vision ENB ( Option A ( ssao + dof ) ( dynamic dof )

Skyrim HD 2K ( FULL )

Vivid landscapes all-in-one ( 2K )

Realistic water 2 ( ENB )

Skyrim flora overhaul 2.5b


Skyrim Launcher at ULTRA ( except AA / AF )


commands used: player.setav speedmult 1500, TCL


After around 8-10m crashed ( well just freezed not crash ) i thing that's pretty normal, what do you thing about it ?



PD: i7 2600K @ 4.3Ghz OC / 16 gb 2400MHz / Gigabytre 980 Ti Xtreme 6gb OC / Installed in SSD / Win10 Pro


PD2: 120 Plugins + 220 mods installed

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<( well just freezed not crash)> If you're freezing, you may have reached the limits imposed by your VRAM + Win10 (4GB VRAM maximum) = read here, (see ENB haxx). The solution is to decrease slowly VRAM demanding addons, (graphics). Make a simple test, deactivate temporarilly one or more of your 2k textures.

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Thx again mate, i will take a look


i just send a post in true vision enb but nobody reply my so ....


Hi Bronze316

Recently update this awesome enb ( i was in version 236 ) and WOW that's really a change in visual fidelity ( most noticeable in distant mountains/terrain ) good job

Apart of this i was having a weird issue were the distant objects ( like trees etc .. ) were a little blurred so i decided to read all your main page & posts to find a solution, AA/AF from skyrimprefs were causing that problem even if in the launcher AA/AF were desactivated so .... really odd things happens in skyrim i guess

Quick question about prefs/ini

Recently i opened skyrim via skyrimlauncher ( default ) i always open skyrim with skse so .... will be any change in the prefs/ini ?
i checked it and i didn't find any change at all but i need to know if that's true

Also about the performance options in true vision folder, the option that says " full graphics " is for screenarchery or just for regular gameplay ?

And last ( sry ) in enblocal what i suppost to put in VideoMemorySizeMb= ? run the application and says that i have 4064 vram when i have a 980Ti xtreme with 6gb and 16 gb of ram so ... i suppost that i take 4064 + 16384 - 2048/4096 ( to save more memory ) and put the result in VideoMemorySizeMb without touching anything else right ?

PD: i have both prefs/ini read only unchecked + default present ( in launcher ) is ultra, only changing AA/AF to off


Actually the enblocal have it by default option ( VideoMemorySizeMb=7904 ) cos i don't know how it works so ... xD also using smme correctly, load order always order with LOOT, script issue i don't thing but who knows, using NMM and know how to overwrite texture mods / mods in general.

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