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Mod to transform pc or npc into animals?


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Are there any mods out there that allow your character to turn into a wolf (become a werewolf?), a bear, lion or rat? Are there spells that can turn your opponents into mudcrabs, bears, wolves, rats or lions? I think these would be really fun mods!


Is the rule here "do not ask if this mod exists"? Frankly, i have no idea if such mods that transform pcs/ npcs into these creatures exist. (I know for a fact that "Hilarity" mod does transform NPCs into sheep.) What's the use of this forum if I can't ask if others know if the mods I want exist?

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There is a weapon in the game already that turns its target into a random creature, but I do not know what it is called. I believe it is a staff. As far as turning yourself into a creature, I do not know.
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