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more armor and weapon displays please


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What I would really like is if we could get rid of the unusable crates and such from the basement room in the solitude house and add weapon racks and armor mannequins so I can see more of my hard gotten gear. I also like the weapon and shield thingys around the enchanting table.. There should be more of them all around the house on all the empty walls.


Also the 5 weapon rack in the solitude house basement only holds 3 weapons for me, maybe get rid of the kegs and add another rack there too, and bug fix the rack that only holds 3..



I really like the alchemy satchel sitting on the table in the whiterun house, maybe add that to the solitude house.. and maybe a satchel for the enchanting table too to hold my soul gems.


what would be awesome is to add a blacksmithing room next to the alchemy room, complete with all the tools and a few barrels to store mats and goods..



i just like being able to come in the basement door to unload all my loot before i head up stairs to beat the wife i cant kill before i goto bed. :P





thanks in advance.

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