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Missing Textures on Signs


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I'm getting the yellow exclamation marks over signs in the imperial city. Only the signs on the ground though.(The ones that say "Market District" etc.)


The mods I installed:




Unoficial Oblivion Patch




I have the OOO compatibility thing within MMM and everything looked OK in wyre bash and OBMM. Just kinda annoying to see those yellow things in town.



Edit: Nvm, realized that yellow things are meshes. Someone pointed me to http://www.alquier.org/TES/2007/05/how_to_...ing_meshes.html to fix it

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The yellow exclamation is the result of either a missing mesh (as in it's no where to be found), or it could be Oblivion is looking for a mesh which happens to be in another folder (due to someone's forgetfulness to fix it).
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