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GTX 1070 FPS Problem


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Hey guys, I recently got a MSI GTX 1070 Armor OC to play my modded skyrim and DOOM and witcher 3. I have started to notice a weird thing that my Skyrim is doing.


When I enter whiterun keep for the first time to talk to the thhe yarl I have 59.9-60 FPS. If I stay in the keep for more than a few minutes my FPS starts to drop. I dont mean a flat drop from 60 to 45 fps. I mean it goes to 58 then 56 then 55 then 54 ETC. It will slowly deteriorate all the way down to 19 FPS, it does this in riverwood also I found and I am not sure why.. Even in river wood near the forge it wil drop to 50 then deteriorate from there all the way to 30. Its almost like there is a certain square that I am standing in that gets the FPS loss. Sometimes when i move forward like 2 feet the FPS shoots back up to 60 again. Im not sure what is going on, its just really weird. I have zero artifacting and no light/shadow problems with my ENB. Is there a setting hidden somewhere that I am not finding?


List of Mods and Mod Order:


http://imgur.com/555wnqC - Mod List

http://imgur.com/PdNk7Lu - Load Order


Mod list organized useing LOOT

and TES5edit on some of the files also


(sry its not letting me post images..)



Spec I am running:


i5-3570k - OC to 4.7gGhz

gtx 1070 - OC to 2050Ghz

16gb ddr3 1866 Ram

z-77 ST MB

Windows 7


- Posted other topic in the wrong spot. -

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  • Does this problem also occurs without any mods or ENB ?

/// Save game :

/// Settings / memory :

  • Have you installed the skse patch ? >> memory blocks log. Your skse.ini is ok, you may use the memory block log to refine settings.
  • Backup your ini files and delete the files. Skyrim.ini / SkyrimCustom.ini / SkyrimPrefs.ini found in C:\Users\Utilisateur\Documents\My Games\Skyrim then use your vanilla launcher to autodetect and use best settings for your computer.
  • You may install ENBOOST >> ENB graphics / ENB haxx.

Hope this helps.

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Turn ENB off and the Frames still drop.


Save game doesnt apply to me cause when I test my skyrim I allways start a new fresh game.


trying the SSME patch now, Even though I dont crash. I only have a FPS drop issue

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Hey guys, I recently got a MSI GTX 1070 Armor OC to play my modded skyrim and DOOM and witcher 3. I have started to notice a weird thing that my Skyrim is doing.


When I enter whiterun keep for the first time to talk to the thhe yarl I have 59.9-60 FPS. If I stay in the keep for more than a few minutes my FPS starts to drop. I dont mean a flat drop from 60 to 45 fps. I mean it goes to 58 then 56 then 55 then 54 ETC. It will slowly deteriorate all the way down to 19 FPS, it does this in riverwood also I found and I am not sure why.. Even in river wood near the forge it wil drop to 50 then deteriorate from there all the way to 30. Its almost like there is a certain square that I am standing in that gets the FPS loss. Sometimes when i move forward like 2 feet the FPS shoots back up to 60 again. Im not sure what is going on, its just really weird. I have zero artifacting and no light/shadow problems with my ENB. Is there a setting hidden somewhere that I am not finding?


List of Mods and Mod Order:


http://imgur.com/555wnqC - Mod List

http://imgur.com/PdNk7Lu - Load Order


Mod list organized useing LOOT

and TES5edit on some of the files also


(sry its not letting me post images..)



Spec I am running:


i5-3570k - OC to 4.7gGhz

gtx 1070 - OC to 2050Ghz

16gb ddr3 1866 Ram

z-77 ST MB

Windows 7


- Posted other topic in the wrong spot. -

How old was existing game install?


What was the prior video card?


How old is your windows install?


What are the other components of your build?



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the install is only 2 days old

gtx Gigabyte 670 OC

Windows install.. maybe 2-3 years

Windows installed on a 128gb SSD

Skyrim installed on a 2TB 7200 RPM Drive

850w XFX Gold PSU

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