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NPC nude bodies


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As your character runs to the vault in the first sequence and you stop at the guard to be "let in" there is a woman to the right, obviously caught in the shower, but the nude body that is being rendered has splotches of different colors all over her body, some quite linear.

It is possible to make a mod to give all NPC females in game a realistic rendition of correct nude body?

It would be a nice mod. I have tried to do a swap of bodies but cannot locate the proper file.

Thank you to anyone who can make this mod.

I do appreciate all the hard work and effort all mod makers put into the great mods an Nexus. Thank you to all of you for enhancing the game experience on all games.



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Because there is not a single nude body mod on the Nexus, amirite. :wallbash:

You misunderstood me. My fault for not being clear (can I blame it on senility?). I meant that I cannot locate the Fallout 4 file that regulates this nude body on a background character. I get tired of looking at the female that apparently was in the shower when the sirens blared. Splotchy nude body standing next to the chain link fence before you get to the vault elevator. I have tried to find the file but have been unable to do so.

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where exactly is this nude female your referring to?

i checked the area you said she was at and couldn't find her ?


I have no recollection of this either.


Maybe the OP needs to look up how the SkinNaked and NakedTorso armor addons work instead of making time-wasting requests.

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