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Less Muscular Idle Animation for Female Companions?


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Once I noticed how the female housecarls (like Lydia & Jordis the Sword-Maiden) flex their arms out the same as the muscular male idle, I couldn't help NOT noticing it. I looked into the animation BSA's and see if I could swap around their animations for the same idle sets as all the other females, as I'd seen something similarish done in the following mods:






The latter might have worked, but it created clipping issues with my male character and his heavy armor. Is there a way possible just to fix this for the female companions? I couldn't navigate the BSA files very well to tell which from which, and would appreciate any help/feedback on the matter.

Edited by Shafruddin
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Well I only found two idles when making my no muscular idle mod.There is one idle called mt_muscularidleoffset or something and other is mt_skinnyidle, they were in meshes/actors/character/animations wich affects both genders.I looked at both female and male folders and found no idles.This idles also seem to affect the walking animations.I believe once the creation kit comes out maybe it´s possible to make certain npc´s using the skinny idle without changing the muscular idle. Edited by scot
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