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Do Items stack (like a ring and necklace of wielding?)


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Each item gives a separate status modifier in your Active Effects window, so in theory they should *all* apply, no matter how many you stack. For what it's worth, I stacked two +25% Two Handed damage items, and both did apply as could be seen directly on my Battleaxe by wearing one, checking the damage, then putting on the other, checking damage again and confirming it did indeed increase.
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k thanks. I just realized I could test it out but taking off the ring and seeing the damage drop by 20% but then by the time i sold enough stuff to get the necklace, it was gone from the inventory, so I could not test it :( but that's good to know! Now, I wonder if my shield perk of 50% less frost, etc. and my Nord ability stack. I still take a lot of frost damage I notice (on Master Difficulty, but still 100% of a lot should be 0).
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