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Multicolored/Rainbow texture bug


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It occurs for me randomly, after I've been playing awhile, mostly in low density outdoor areas, and mostly on road textures. Restarting the game fixes it for several hours at least. It's probably a mip-mapping issue, but it's not pop-up. I can actually walk to right on the edge of where the texture starts to change from rainbow to the correct texture, and if I slowly move my character so the texture passes through whatever invisible line it is that decides whether to show the texture or not, the part that's over that invisible line appears normal, while the rest of the texture is still rainbow. The whole texture doesn't just suddenly show up when I pass a certain threshold. Also, if I move back and forth, it'll go back and forth from rainbow to normal, even once it's loaded properly. I don't have this issue with distant textures very often either. It's usually stuff that's about 25-50 feet from my character, and then it goes away when I get within 10 feet, then it comes back if I walk away. So it's not that the texture isn't being loaded properly, it's that whatever the game is loading for that texture isn't right.


Thus, I'd say this is actually a memory issue, and textures are getting corrupted in memory while passing through certain effects filters like AO or GR, or while being swapped for LoD purposes. Possibly related to overall memory usage, since it seems to take awhile for it to start happening once the game is loaded, and restarting the game fixes it.

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