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Star Wars Clone Commando's Power Armour


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I gotta thank whoever designed this Katarn-class armor for us. It's great stuff. But obviously they never thought we'd need to sit down. Ouch...

RC-1262, Scorch


Well, it's all in the title. Clone commando's armour called Katarn.

It's a great opportunity to be a new customisable power armour!


Here are the pictures:








+ It DOES look badass.

+ It IS functional (flashlights, different visors' modes, space for jetpack\backpack, etc.)

+ It can be (and, perhaps, supposed to be) modular.

+ There are a bunch of existing models on the Internet already.

+ You shall love it if you love Star Wars.

+ I can help you with functionality (since I'm a programmer) and with customization parts (since I'm a game developer for Republic Commando 2).



- It isn't lore friendly.

- You won't love it if you aren't a fan of Star Wars.



If any of you, ladies and gentlemen, want(s) to create it, just PM me via [email protected]. Have a nice day!

Edited by Endersky
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Wow, 4 years later but some folks still into it. Well, I'm not in the RC2 project anymore but I have way more experience in game development so far.
It'd be a cool mod, yeah. However, I'm not sure I really want to spend time on it. At least not alone.

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