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Is begging for a Skyrim version of an Oblivion mod a reportable offens


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Making the same request over and over can get you a warning, then if you continue a strike, and eventually a ban. I tend to send the people who beg for a mod no one else wants to the learn to mod wiki.
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Making such requests also likely won't go answered, not matter how or where you ask them depending on the type of mod, who made it, and if the related tools are even available.


At current there is no official toolkit for Skyrim and there are several limitations to using some of the community tools we have as far as doing much more than minor form changes. New meshes, NPCs, quests, areas are just simply beyond current scope and will probably remain that way for quite awhile. So as much as you might want those sorts of things, begging, pleading, annoying, and threatening won't accomplish much more than get you ignored until other rules are broken.

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I think also, some people do it because they get frustrated that no one responds. Even if someone just points them to a mod wiki, or tells them they have to wait for the ck, its still answering. I have noticed this a lot in the Skyrim forums. I realize no one is required to answer, but it goes along way in making new members feel like they arent trying to get into a clique or something.
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I think also, some people do it because they get frustrated that no one responds. Even if someone just points them to a mod wiki, or tells them they have to wait for the ck, its still answering. I have noticed this a lot in the Skyrim forums. I realize no one is required to answer, but it goes along way in making new members feel like they arent trying to get into a clique or something.

Ok, kit! (So you're signing-up to provide that reply when you see the queries, right? :whistling: )

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I lost count a long time ago of the number of that type post I have answered. Most of the time a simple answer is sufficient. And many will make their request before reading any of the forums or searching to see if someone else has requested the same thing, or if maybe it already exists.


However, every once in a while just saying you have to wait isn't good enough, they want it, they want it now, and they don't care if no one is interested in making it just for them. It's obviously their right to command talented people to do their bidding.

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I lost count a long time ago of the number of that type post I have answered. Most of the time a simple answer is sufficient. And many will make their request before reading any of the forums or searching to see if someone else has requested the same thing, or if maybe it already exists.


However, every once in a while just saying you have to wait isn't good enough, they want it, they want it now, and they don't care if no one is interested in making it just for them. It's obviously their right to command talented people to do their bidding.

For FREE! :whistling:

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I don't see the shame in requesting a mod one used in Oblivion to be made for Skyrim, I'm pretty sure that is what the Mod Request forum was created for, is it not? I suspect that if people are annoyed with such posts, they could avoid them all together. While I can relate to the 'begging' being irritating, his kind of thing is not going away because not everyone knows how to, or has the time to learn how to mod. You can either whine about it (which is what you are doing) or attempt to do something about it. Welcome to the internet, where you will see things that may bother you. Now before you get all angry at me, hear me out...


I have a cool idea for the Mod Request forum. Maybe if there are request posts that are getting a lot of "I agree" replies, they could be stickied so that they're up top OR perhaps, there could be a poll attached and people could vote on the request and it would be ranked somehow. If it's a popular enough request it can be showcased in some way, waiting for a brave modder to easily find the post and embark on the quest of making it. Once that particular mod has been finished and is available for download, the post can be un-stickied/removed or whatever, or maybe some sort of announcement can be made which says "this mod has been created quit crying". And of course the "procedure" of ranking popularity should be explained in one of the "Read this before posting" moderator posts.


Why? That way the general public gets a chance to sort of cast a popularity vote for mods to be created and thus maybe you'd see a lot less spamming and crying, specifically with multiple posts for a same or similar mod request by different people. Also it may make the non-authors feel a little more welcome and more apart of the community by giving them a chance to contribute a good idea that a lot of other users agree with. Just because people don't know how to mod or can't find the time to doesn't mean they should be scoffed at like they are your underlings or something. These are your fellow gamers and they do sometimes have good, valid ideas. They should be able to voice their opinions and request stuff, and that's what the Request Forum is for. After all, without all the "fans" of your modding work, this site would lost much of it's purpose. I'd also like to add that if Authors are seriously expecting to be paid for their skills, perhaps they should consider getting a job in this field. I was under the impression that posting your work up for other people to use was done out of selflessness and the willingness to share, and not out of greed. And for the record, I'm not saying the spamming, crying, and complete lack of patients is okay...don't get me wrong. But you really can't blame people for having an idea and being excited enough about it to post in a forum.


I've been here a while and I'm not gonna lie, I am a downloader not an Author. I haven't participated or contributed much previously but since Skyrim I am making an effort to start doing so by contributing with ideas and helpful stuff whenever I can. I understand that my idea would require some work, and I would even be willing to do it but I doubt I have the post number to become a moderator.

Anyway, whether or not you think my idea is stupid, well I suppose that's your opinion but I see it as an opportunity to control the "annoying posts", showcase great ideas, and possibly give un-known modders a chance to make a name for themselves here.


Oh yeah, and I totally contributed the other day by requesting my favorite armor skins from Oblivion (Armors of Gaia and Vampire Hunter Amor) to be remade for Skyrim. Because I loved them. And I know they were popular...hundreds, if not thousands of people would appreciate the ability to have these armor textures again.

You're welcome. :kiss:

Edited by aerym
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@Aerym: The complaint is not about requesting a mod. It is about requesting the same thing over and over in new requests, often without even bothering to rephrase it. Then bumping the request with comments saying how much they "really really" want that mod and couldn't someone "please, pretty please" make it just for them. When my grandkids pull this I call it whining. :tongue:


Usually when someone persists in begging for a mod and no one answers, I tell them they should consider learning to mod themselves, then they get to decide what they will make. :thumbsup:


Most of our modders are keeping lists of the mods THEY want to make when the CK eventually comes out. If they see a request they like, they may add it to their list. But what they want to make usually takes precedence, and what someone begs for gets a very low priority. :yes:

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