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Plasma and/or Tesla Muskets


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What it says in the title.

I've noticed that a lot of other players feel that the laser musket isn't a very strong choice of weapon in the late game, and a thought occurred to me: What about a plasma and/or Tesla musket? Obviously, the Tesla version would (probably?) require Automatron to make/use, but basically my thought is that they could either be higher level modifications in the barrel slot of the laser musket, OR they could be their own weapons that run on their own system. Personally, I use one of the many mods that gives laser muskets unlimited ammo, so -personally- I feel that it would be nice to make these two weapons work on a similar system, or else make them perhaps run on fusion cores? Now, I'm no modder, so I don't know exactly how much work would go into this...But I really think it'd be awesome.

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They've actually got concept art for what looks like plasma or tesla receivers for the Laser Musket in the artbook. I'd actually love to model them at some point, but right now I'm working on the Institute Power Armor and some stuff for other big mod projects.

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