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Some more realistic damage and health.


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So I used to have a mod that made damage way more realistic. It went from firing endlessly at each other to only taking a few shots to kill enemies and for me to die myself. It made the game feel a lot more immersive and combat more intense for me. I have since lost my previous laptop to old age...and a little bit of abuse >.> But at any rate, I can no longer find the mod. I've looked into Real fps but it still doesn't make it quite right for me. I was wondering if anyone out there interested in making something like this or know of one already in existence. I'd really like the damage to feel more like an FPS like Battlefield or COD. I'd also like it to include the same health regen, that or just an adjustment to that implant from the crazy experimental doctor near the strip. If anyone can help that'd be awesome!
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