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Wanting to get the wait feature back


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One of my mods removed waiting and replaced it with some an overhead view of the player sleeping. Not sure exactly what mod this wait eliminating feature is from. That feature is okay (half the time the player ends up sleeping on the floor next to the bed) but waiting is an important function and I was wondering if anyone knew how to get it back?

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If you use Oblivion Reloaded, read the manual and ini files again, because it has that feature. There should be an option to toggle that feature in the ini files. Installing mods should be done one mod at a time, and the documentation and configuration files for each mod should be examined before considering it "installed" - that way there will be no surprises like this, and you will know which mod the features in the game come from. Keeping the amount of mods modest also helps to keep mod things in control.


Hopefully that helps a little. :thumbsup:

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