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Character's face and body is tweaking


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@throttlekitty, She didn't use the menu from the console, the OP did. However, to recreate this start a new game, and choose to be a Khajiit. Save the game and exit to the main menu. Open the game and load your Khajiit. Open the Race Menu and change to a human or elven race. Save and exit to the main menu again, then reload the save. I believe this should recreate the glitch exactly though I haven't tested it myself. The OP here is the 2nd person I've seen with this issue (as stated above) and they both changed their race via the console.
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Whoops, I didn't realize we were troubleshooting for two, thanks. I'll give that a go in a while, if anything, I'm trying to glean as much as I can about how exactly the new face system works under the hood.


Looking at the screenshot again, it looks more like that z-fighting is showing the background, but maybe the red spots on the face are from scars?

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Every texture in the game has two texture maps regarding coloration (hence the new _0 and _1 suffixes). This may be that the _0 texture is not changing with the race change, or it is changing to something it's not supposed to. I'm really not sure and without a tool to sniff out this information it's really hard to say exactly what is going on here.
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  • 3 weeks later...

My wife and I are having the same issues with our Skyrim's. No eyebrows, no facial hair at all, and artifacts showing up randomly around the face/body. I thought it was the ENB patch for no lag/crashes but I've run a clean install of Skyrim and still get this issues, no mods, no ENB patch, nothing. Also I didn't use the showracemenu console command at all before the glitch appeared.


I can also confirm that it shows up fine in the first chargen, but once you get into Helgan's Keep and they cut your binds, you can go into third person and see the glitch. This is without any armor aside from the first outfit you have on. And using the showracemenu AFTER the glitch appears, doesn't fix anything. And at certain angles, if you move your camera just right, I can see the facial hair outline of the beard I chosen, like it's underneath the skin and only shows under a certain angle/light but the head is seethrough at this point when moving the camera too close to it. I'd really love to figure this glitch out and resolve it though.

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it only fixes it if you reload a save before the face change, once it's saved, the new face morph is permanent. also, it's extremely random on when it occurs. it's happened completely unexpectedly so i'm basically sitting here saving and checking my face every few minutes lol.


on a side note, the artifacts you see on the face such as the scar looking squares and such, don't show up until the new face morph appears, like the game is overlaying a new head model ontop of the old one and its conflicting, like two models sitting ontop of each other with almost the same shape.

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