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Modern vehicles


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Now this is crazy, trust me I know but please just give it a chance and lemme know if you think its possible. I plan on creating a modern city and so it is only fitting that I include vehicles in the mix, now these can be just meshes that you cannot interact with but I thought it would be really cool to create a vehicle that uses the function of the moving horse (with several tweaks obviously), let me know what you think in terms of plausibility, thanks.
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Sorry but I do not understand what the sdk's have to do with what I posted?

Nothing, really.


On topic, what you say it's possible, but will look awkward no matter what. I believe other implementations will be possible through scripting and the CS. There were motor vehicles in OB, after all. I'm sure the new control scheme engine functions will help greatly.

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You could implement static meshes. Parked vehicles would be easy. Or you could make it an actual part of the level once the CK is released.

Either way - it's going to take a lot of work to make realistic. Dents after a warhammer.. breaking glass.. custom sounds for popped tires.. custom effects for the explosion after throwing an orc you lit on fire through the gas tank.. ect..


So the answer is.. no.

If you had to ask on here.. you probably don't have all the resources to actually recreate a modern vehicle.

Yes I'm doubting your skill level - respectfully.


It'd take anyone a LOT of work just to make an immovable modern vehicle realistic.


However - it'd be cool to have a fast-travel limo instead of a carriage I suppose.

With an animation of character getting inside. Lol!

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However - it'd be cool to have a fast-travel limo instead of a carriage I suppose. With an animation of character getting inside. Lol!


James, drive me to Riften, and make it fast!


Anyways, as creating quite realistic meshes indeed is in my grasp, I can truthfully say it'd take quite the amount of time to have even moderate results and it'd still look extremely awkward. This of course depends on what you consider awkward, would you be spending hours, days even, to have a working car that looks cool but moves like one of those in the old PS1 games and jumps over walls instead of crashing?

Edited by Neokore
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Making a static one? Not hard. That's a very basic model, even the interior. Might take some time if it is your first one.

Making it move? A little harder, mostly because of scripting.

particle systems for explosions? I do not know how well the new engine/plugins support it. Only 3ds max 8 and erlier could export these for Oblivion. Otherwise, not hard.

Sound effects? Not too tough either, given you got some good recording devices.


HOWEVER, this is a branch of hard surface modelling not many cares about. At least not people who plays RPGs. Hence not many got the skill level, or care to try, to model such things.

Which means this is not hard, but might be hard if you do not got the motivation to try.




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A fellow artist one told me:


"The times you learn the most, is when you get to a point you tell yourself "Ok, how the HECK am I going to do this?""

If you try, you wil manage. At worse you never finish it, but you've learned from it!




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