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Saphirias Romance


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It seems I have a bug, unless it is part of the quest-line, that every city I go to, the citizens and guards all start attacking Saphiria. If I remember right, seems I had a glitch once with either Valeria, Rhianna, or Saerileth and I would just have to reload a saved game to stop the glitch. But they were the ones who instigated the combat whereas Saphiria does not and reloading a saved game to does fix this. I also found with form-id finder that she was part of the Dark Brotherhood Faction of which I removed, but it did not solve the problem.


Any help out there? I would greatly appreciate it!


Half of the time I don't know what I am doing, and the other half I am not doing.

(Did anyone ever say that before so they can get the quote recognition or am I the first?)

Edited by Timber57
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Well, I restarted the mod from the beginning, but the glitch must have occured when a Mystic Dawn appeared in a city and started a melee blood frenzy, and Saphiria must have killed an innocent and the crime would never get removed. I tried setcrimegold to 0 and payfine in the console, but did not work. Just be sure she never kills accidently a citizen or guard is my warning!!!!! And keep plenty recent backup saves handy if she does, to revert back to. Edited by Timber57
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