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Hello guyz. I play as archer, and thats a rly pity that a bow kills so boring. Swords finishers and daggers stealth kills looks awesome. But all we can do with Bow - hold block button and watch how our arrow fly away in slo-mo. But may be any good modder can make mod that will bind camera not to player, but to arrow when we hold block in the same angle that we see arrow prepared to shoot? Then we shoot in slo-mo and watch how beauty fly our arrow and where we need to shoot next time if we miss? Also there is 1 bad feature - default slomo ends before arrow finished a fly if we didnt prepared new arrow while old is in air, but reload in slomo take a ton of stamina. Can anyone increase time of slomo for shooted arrow.

P.S. sry my english.

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A finish where the arrow rips a limb or a piece of flesh of the target, or perhaps makes the head explode or shoot the heart straight out of the ribcage would be sweet too! :devil:


That would prob take allot of work though. Just a bullet time kind of finish would already be very nice.

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