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Request: Glass Armor looking like Ebony Armor


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I'd like to have all glass armor replaced with ebony. Just the looks, not the stats.


I play as a stealth/thief character with light armor specialization. Without investing in smithing glass will be my choice of armor. The problem however is that I find it butt ugly. :sad:


Ebony on the other hand is beautiful.


So if someone could turn all glass armor into looking like ebony I would be very grateful. :wub:


It's purely for esthetic reasons but everyone wants their character to look good right. :)

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I can add a version of Ebony armor that is "Light."


Question is: Do you want it as a complete re-texture of all glass armor, or if you just want it craft able for your character.


Let me know and I can whip it up.

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Thats very sweet! Thank you!


I have some glass armor from random loot with usefull entchantments. In the first option those wouldn't be lost so I think I'd rather have that one. (but to be honest either would be fine)


Bah, you would take the easy route.



All right, I'll get it cranking in a few minutes. Should be uploaded in an hour or two.


This will require you to extract some files into your computer, just as a heads up.

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Things do not bode well.



Since the Ebony armor helmet is a full face mask, and the Glass is not, having difficulty getting it show up.


Tends to just cut out someone's hair and not bother with displaying the actual helmet.


I may just end up with the craft able and you'll have to enchant it yourself.




Yeah, you're getting craftable light ebony armor.


Just working on the recipes/upgrade ability for it now.

Edited by Malchus
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