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Dual Boot Skryim Install? Where put Skyrim, MO, CK?!


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I upgraded to Win10Pro. I have been unable to get Creation Kit to load any mods other than the DLC's. I need to rebuild NavMeshes on some Merge Files. Since I was not able to get CK to work under Win10Pro, I created a dual-boot machine with Win10Pro (CK does not work, EXCEPT for DLC's) and Win7Pro (CK USED to work on EVERYTHING). Under Win10Pro, I have Skyrim installed on its own D: Drive, as well as Mod Organizer and Creation Kit. Win10Pro is on C: Drive. Win7Pro is on H: Drive.


From Win7Pro, I have tried to access D: Drive's Mod Organizer. No Go. CK also does not work (generates errors, won't even start). So, I assume I need to install Steam on the Win7Pro platform.


I have now installed Steam on the Win7Pro, H: Drive in its own folder.


My questions are:


1. IS this the appropriate place to install Steam for Win7Pro? It seems illogical to install it on D:Steam, where it already exists for Win10Pro. BUT if I leave it in a folder on H: (where Win7Pro is), how do I get Steam to *SEE* my Win10Pro installation files?


2. Same question for Creation Kit? Do I install it on H:? How do I make it see the MODS on D: Drive?


3. Same Question for Mod Organizer? Do I install it on H:? How do I make it see the MO Configuration and MO-Loaded files on D; Drive?


Does ANYONE have experience resolving this? I flat out CANNOT get CK to work on Win110Pro, and I have spent more than two weeks attempting to do so!!


Thank you!



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