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Unable to start a game with mods


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Well that is you not me, and I will bet 90% of those here also don't really care, or even give it a thought.

I really do not care if anyone thanks me for my help here, or a different forum. My world will not end if it never happens, and is not going to stop me from helping if I can. Having to make a post about not getting one is really the worst thing anyone can do.

Ever heard that at times it's better not to say anything. This is one of those times.


The worse thing is to ignore some simple rules of common sense and politeness and to reproach Kievkiev what he kindly tried to explain to you. Congratulation for being that guy.

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Well that is you not me, and I will bet 90% of those here also don't really care, or even give it a thought.

I really do not care if anyone thanks me for my help here, or a different forum. My world will not end if it never happens, and is not going to stop me from helping if I can. Having to make a post about not getting one is really the worst thing anyone can do.

Ever heard that at times it's better not to say anything. This is one of those times.


The worse thing is to ignore some simple rules of common sense and politeness and to reproach Kievkiev what he kindly tried to explain to you. Congratulation for being that guy.


Congratulations you just became a cry baby.

As I said it better not to say anything than cry about it.

Edited by bill8872
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<Quote = Congratulations you just became a cry baby. As I said it better not to say anything than cry about it>Disagreing with you doesn't mean crying and your not the good person to know what is better concerning politeness and good manners. I don't need your permission to talk, thank you.

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:sweat: Give it a rest. I now view you as nothing more than a cry baby who got his precious feeling hurt. :sweat:

So if you're going to take it personally every time someone doesn't thank you or whatever, then you don't belong here. :sweat:

Edited by bill8872
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