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The Pugilist: An Unarmed Overhaul


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The Pugilist: An Unarmed Overhaul

So to start, this is an unarmed overhaul that looks to expand upon unarmed as it is in Skyrim, as opposed to making something completely different. How so? By implementing unarmed and unarmored perks into the current skills that is! This overhaul looks to expand upon the current system in various ways, and implementing various ideas I and many others have had, including, but not limited to:

  • Fixing Fists of Steel while maximizing compatibilty with any and all armor mods added by others
  • Adding perks through the various skill trees based around unarmed and unarmored based tactics, as well as hybrid-pugilist tactica, such as arcane fist, smash boards and hidden fists.
  • Adding in spells based around unarmed, such as touch spells, bound armor, and more
  • Adding beyter support for unarmed from sources such as potions and equipment.
  • Support for beast related factions in such a way to maintain compatibilty with overhaul mods like Moonlight Tales and Better Vampires
  • New unarmed racial abilities to help aid unarmed players
  • A set of "boxing" arenas scattered throughout Solstheim and Skyrim for the Pugilistically inclined with tournaments and an overarching quest based around them. No armoe, no weapons, no spells and no holds bar carnage, designed in such a way to provide a challenge no matter your level.

And more!

A TRUE Fix for Fists of Steel

The one thing that has always proved to be so harmful to an unarmed build, it would have to be that Fists of Steel wasn't just useless, it was straight up busted!

So, what is this magical fix, you ask? Why, a lovely scripted magic effect that actively looks at what you are wearing... And updates whenever you equip or unequip anything!

So, to reiterate:


  • No polling in the background every 20 or so seconds
  • Nothing save of actual smithing improvements left out of your armored furious fists
  • Updates as needed
  • Appropriately applies Well Fitted and Matching Set according to what you actually have equipped
  • Nonobtrusively designed to function with any custom races and custom armor mods!


Racial Unarmed Bonuses

Racial changes, tweaks and additions to make all races viable for starting an unarmed build.

The goal: Make it so you will never have to pick up a sword if you don't want to! No matter khajiit or even a high elf!


  • Khajiits will be super effective still, but your claws become a toggled ability, for several reasons, one of which is decluttering the UI
  • Argonians join khajiits in having claws! So now an argonian build is just as viable!
  • Nords are extremly use to brutal conditions, so when the going gets tough, the going gets it square in the jaw. Having a glass jaw sucks. A true Nord doesn't know that feeling.
  • Bretons exemplify the idea of an arcane fist, so much so, they make ample use of their Nord heritage to take a licking, while using their inherant arcane capabilities to channel magicka into raw power
  • The mer prefer to imbue their fists with various arcane magics, allowing even these intelligent beings to open a can of whup-ass



A host of new spells, potions, enchantments all to ensure survival of the fittest... YOU!

Playing a smart mage who likes to get his hands dirty?

Want to be able to punch Alduin to death... ON LEGENDARY?!

Well, if you were hesitant before, maybe some... uhhh... magical enhancers might be the confidence boost you need!

  • New type of potions called mutagens, based off mutagens from Pathfinder RPG, converting intelligence to pure unadulterated strength.
  • Spells to help deal with foes at any distance, allowing you to either get closer than normally or possible or literally throwing elemental energy at them, boosted by your unarmed capabilities.
  • Enchantments that will not just enhance unarmed but you combat ability in TOTAL. Such things like increased swing speed or jumping ability, nothing is impossible!


A Complete Perk Addendum

The perks for unarmed are replacing... NOTHING!

That's right! This part is anÃÃÃÂ addendum to the current perk system, not a replacement!


  • Perks related to the various skills relating to unarmed!
  • Now, even those who switch to unarmed later on can benefit from their training, with perks ranging from Heavy Armor, to Blocking all the way to Archery!
  • Along the way, some perks will grant access to some cool stuff, such as blocking even without a shield, provided you got a free arm of course!


A Brand New Jack of All Trades Master Trainer

A brand new trainer for everyone, not just the unarmed enthusiast!...

But still primarily for the unarmed enthusiast.

He is a unique trainer designed for helping you in all aspects of your training, from theory to application, with new unique aspects to him and his training pit geared towards a more interactive training experience!


  • A unique trainer, who is more than willing to train you in any and all aspects of the trade, from magic, to the use of thu'um to keep enemies at bay!
  • Training methods ranging from the use of dummies, to theory discussion, to application and self tutelage, there is never a dull way to train!
  • A range of journals used to find out more on his backstory, even if every one is incomplete.
  • The ability to level skills without needing to sacrifice your actual experience by using weapons, although you will need to for some aspects of training.
  • A library filled with books for theory and application, ranging from normal skillbooks, to special books you can ask to be quizzed on!


New Armor/Weapon Hybrids!

Looking for a way to get into unarmed but still want to slice a draugr's face off?

Well now you can with the patent-pending armor/weapon hybrids!

These hybrids allow for various style of play, involving gauntlets with attached weapons, some hidden, sime...

Not so hidden.

  • Weapons that double as armor, or armor that doubles as weapons, from hidden blades, down to (literally) wrist bows, no one is safe!
  • Weapons that scale with your punching proficiency, as opposed to any single skill, allowing for weapons that truly epitomize a viking badass.
  • Each weapon is also it's own functional gauntlet, and can even be worn with another gaunlet-type weapon!
  • Some weapons even have multiple functions, or an alternate-form for your own sadistic usage!


First Rule of Fight Club...

Fight pits are making a comeback, and they're better than ever!

Rumors have surfaced that various pits have surfaced in the Tamriel underground after hearing stories of Cyrodiil.

Fight for fortune and fame, and spread your name far and wide, dragonborn.

  • Pits spread throught Solstheim and Skyrim, for the amusement of all to enjoy... Except you.
  • Fight against other pit fighters, or against waves of local menace!
  • Win fame and fortune as you fight in the pits, earning your keep in the most brutal way possible.
  • Located nearby are various vendors willing to sell you any gear you may need as a punch-happy pioneer.
  • Single matches, to tournaments, the choice is yours and yours alone!

*Voice-acting is not a primary concern with the release of this, or any future mods I may make, so as not to delay a major release any more than my real life, and procrastinating tendencies already do. Voice acting, when and where possible will be updates as possible.

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