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ffs, sort Potions by effect


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For the love of Mara, someone please make potions less annoying to use...i hate how there's fifty different kinds of each type of potion, and since the sorting is alphabetical by first letter of the silly name, it jumbles them all up, and if you have a lot of potions...

It's just so hard to find the potion you need if you have a bunch, y'know?

I think it would be a lot simpler to sort them by the effect, so all the Philters, Weak, Plentiful, Elixirs, etc. of Whatever are next to each other, and sort the effect alphabetically. Also do the same with the poisons, but like, in a second alphabetical list, so they don't get all mixed up with the potions.


pretty please

Edited by freemanendelay
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