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Far Cry

I would like a new mod


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hello to start I do not speak or write in English, I apologize because I have translated with google, I would like someone to make a new mod with these characteristics, creating a weapon that fires darts sleeping (not conosco if that weapon already exists within far cry 3, while not playing) I do not like him to hunt animals or killing them for their skins to make holsters, if I had to defend myself against animals I prefer to shoot darts that sleep and talves human too, I think it would be a very interesting weapon I also like that could buy these improvements to carry more weapons ammunition in a game store and not have to hunt animals and finally make the animals if they are very hurt stop attacking and fleeing to save their vidas.no me wrong I like action games to kill the enemies are human or monsters etc. in open worlds like Fallout 3 and 4 or skyrim where they live alongside the enemy animals that we can attack and that one can kill or not for defenserse but not obliged to do so as a far cry 3 holsters ridiculous than good could be bought at a store within that great mundo.es just my opinion, I hope someone from this fabulous page mods could make a mod so or as close as possible, thanks


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