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script for an ability to turn on when not sneaking.


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I see ...


20 seconds cooldown


maybe something like this

scn yourQuestScript
float fQuestDelayTime
float cdown
Begin GameMode
	if Player.IsSneaking
		if cdown < 0
			Let cdown := 20
			;this can be repeated no need for HasSpell check, if player already have that spell this script will do nothing. will return 0
			Player.AddSpellNS SomeSpell
			Let cdown -= GetSecondsPassed
		;this can be repeated no need for HasSpell check, if player not have the spell this script will do nothing. will return 0
		Player.RemoveSpellNS SomeSpell

begin MenuMode 1044
	;set this only when in main menu
	Let fQuestDelayTime := 1.0 ; approximate check interval
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Its set to remove the spell if the player is sneaking correct?

It also seems to remove the buff if the player is sneaking for 20 seconds.

I want the spell removed once leaving sneak mode, Then added again after 20 seconds.

Im not good at reading scripts I dont think though. lol

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ahh sorry the script should be like this lol


so the time counter can always got 0 even when pc not sneaking or sneaking

scn yourQuestScript
float fQuestDelayTime
float cdown
Begin GameMode
	if Player.IsSneaking
		if cdown < 0
			Let cdown := 20
			;this can be repeated no need for HasSpell check, if player already have that spell this script will do nothing. will return 0
			Player.AddSpellNS SomeSpell
		;this can be repeated no need for HasSpell check, if player not have the spell this script will do nothing. will return 0
		Player.RemoveSpellNS SomeSpell
	if cdown >= 0
		Let cdown -= GetSecondsPassed

begin MenuMode 1044
	;set this only when in main menu
	Let fQuestDelayTime := 1.0 ; approximate check interval
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Its okay and ill leave it the way it is its working smooth credited you guys. :dance:

Only a select few seem to need it for whatever reason, But if they wont use it I will.

I love playing a charecter thats someone like the green arrow, And he doesnt spend all his time crawling around with a bow. lol


I was thinking of adding like +50 sneak when your not sneaking, But need to know if enemy detection is effected outside of sneaking like in fallout 3.

Edited by thelawfull
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quote : " as it is just wish bethesda made some kind of sneak system while standing. "

>>> Law, I think this can be done using only by replacing the animation

maybe you can try replace ALL sneak KF files in Mesh folder with standing animation

then you should see all actor now sneak and stand no different right ?


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not interested lol

you can do it man :smile:

here's the step :

extract KF related files from Oblivion Mesh BSA

then you should see the file contain word like 'sneak'

you should replace all of that with non-sneak one (it's all in one folder anyway so this must be easy)

then, repack all that files and retain its path

done !

I don't know it will work or not btw, haha

because ... if the skeleton that used in standing and sneak is different. then the game will ctd for sure

skeleton is crucial in KF animation file


EDIT : IIRC, not yet. no mod make actor stand up while sneak haha

Edited by lubronbrons
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