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Naughty Animations


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Basically give us the ability to bed people of opposite (or same if you swing that way) sex. Up to you how you want to do this, can make it a crime if done outside, can use calm spell on bandits and bed them, etc.



like your wording!


i had such a mod in newvegas, but it never really worked well. tons of clipping or after installing other mods the undressing didn't work anymore. well i guess i simply had too many mods active...


but hell yeah if you get married you should have your right to produce offspring. and if that could be modded wow what a feature. pregnancy, your children and some sort of responsibility with it. e.g. your children being companions automatically and follow you everywhere.

but before that all the fun with the naughty animations ofc. ;)


anyhow i hope that if there will be a "porn-mod" it comes with a bit more to it than just the humping animations. e.g. if you mount a bandit there should be a change to get sick "poisoned" or something like that... :)

Edited by Aheeia
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