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Human pressure-cooker bug


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Hello all,

I wanted to post this because it's starting to become very annoying.

My character in Elder Scrolls is litteraly a pressure cooker. See for yourself:




I have this bug since I went to Blackreach, and it started for no reason.


I can make it disappear when typing "sexchange" in the console, but as soon as i zoom in, and then zoom out, it starts again.

The real problem is not the "esthetic" part of this. Actually when i'm playing (attacking, focusing on a target), there is a weird line on my screen, something like a blur 3D waving line, i don't know how to describe it. I can't see very well and it gives me a big headache everytime.


Does someone know about this bug? What can i do?


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Its the centurion steam bug. No permanent fix is known for it, except to notice it asap, and go back to an earlier save :/


edit - out of curiosity (save first), if you stay in third person, open the console (~) and then click on the steam and type 'disable', does that remove the steam? (note that sometimes there can be translucent or transparent atmospheric effects or such in the way, especially in-doors, so you might have to disable a few things before the steam gets disabled. If stuff disappears you don't want to be gone, just use 'enable' before clicking on anything else (or record all the refid's every time you disable something.) - if things disappear behind the steam, well, it won't work)

Edited by Wolf of the azar
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So i guess i will have to stay "steamy" for a while...I went much further in the game and I don't want to start all over again...

Thanks for your quick reply.


edit: actually at the time I was reading your post -and wanted to try your solution- I just went to Solitude and...bug disappeared.

However if it comes back, i'll try what you said but GOD I HOPE IT WON'T COME BACK.

Thanks for your help!

Edited by Miakh
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