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Activator help with gametime and days


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Im having some issues with game time.. and game days passed


what im wanting to do is create a activator that when you click it.. it first checks to see if a time was set.. maybe using a global variable.. and if one wasnt set it sets that variable to current time.. basically this is what im trying to do


click a activator

get game hour it was clicked and set a global variable as that

check for globalvariable let say on patrol

if onpatrol =1

subtract stored variable for when activator was clicked from

when you was set to on patrol

if >= 8 hours

give gold

else(means we aint on duty onpatrol == 0)

we set on patrol and get current game hour set that as variable

else ir hours is <<8

display message saying you havent been on patrol long enough



i think this is about what im after but i dont think the time code is right can someone help me and explain what the function is and how it works in a code comment..


Scriptname GuardJobScript extends ObjectReference
Import Utility
Message Property worklonger Auto
Message Property dojob Auto
Message Property jobdone Auto
GlobalVariable Property GameHour Auto
GlobalVariable Property patrol Auto
GlobalVariable Property starttime Auto
GlobalVariable Property completedtime Auto
Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)

completedtime.SetValue(GameHour.GetValue()) ;set completetime to current game hour

if(Patrol.GetValue == 1) ; patrol variable is 1 ill set to 0 in ck so this would be second time they clicked activator
completedtime.SetValue(starttime.Getvalue() - completedtime.GetValue());subtract completedtime from start time
if(completedtime.GetValue() >= 8); if 8 hours or more has passed
jobdone.Show();shows a message saying your patrol is over
Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(gold001, 250);adds gold
elseif(completedtime.GetValue() <= 8); 8 hours hasnt passed yet
worklonger.Show(); message saying you havent worked enough hours.
if(patrol.GetValue == 0);since patrol is gonna be 0 in ck this will be first time they have used script so this should run first
patrol.SetValue(1); set our patrol to 1 so now we are on patrol
starttime.SetValue(GameHour.GetValue()); set starttime to current game hour
dojob.Show();message saying patrol has started




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Assuming there's just one activator, skip the global variable and just let a variable in the activator script keep track.

Scriptname GuardJobScript extends ObjectReference

Message Property DoJobMSG Auto
Message Property JobDoneMSG Auto
Message Property WorkLongerMSG Auto

MiscObject Property Gold001 Auto

float FinishTime  ; the only status variable needed

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)

    if akActionRef != Game.GetPlayer()  ; do not let other NPCs trigger this

    if FinishTime == 0.0  ; starting a shift
        FinishTime = 8.0 + Utility.GetCurrentGameTime() * 24.0 ; converts days to hours
        DoJobMSG.Show(8.0)  ; JobTime value can be shown in message.

    elseif Utility.GetCurrentGameTime() * 24.0 >= FinishTime ; have worked long enough
        FinishTime = 0.0  ; reset for next time
        akActionRef.AddItem(Gold001, 250) ;adds gold

    else ; not done yet! The message can show how many hours are left
        WorkLongerMSG.Show(FinishTime - Utility.GetCurrentGameTime() * 24.0)



Personally I would add the player to an alias when the job starts that then monitors for location change, sleeping, waiting, etc. to make sure the player actually does the job. If anything goes wrong I would then have the alias script force the player back out. Then this script could be used to decide if payment was actually appropriate:

Scriptname GuardJobScript extends ObjectReference

Message Property GuardJobStartMSG Auto
Message Property GuardJobSuccessMSG Auto
Message Property GuardJobFailureMSG Auto
Message Property GuardJobWorkLongerMSG Auto

ReferenceAlias Property GuardJobAlias Auto

MiscObject Property Gold001 Auto

float FinishTime  ; the only status variable needed

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)

    if akActionRef != Game.GetPlayer()  ; do not let other NPCs trigger this

    if FinishTime == 0.0  ; starting a shift
        FinishTime = 8.0 + Utility.GetCurrentGameTime() * 24.0 ; converts days to hours
        GuardJobStartMSG.Show(8.0)  ; JobTime value can be shown in message.

    elseif GuardJobAlias.GetReference() != akActionRef  ; failed the job assignment!
        FinishTime = 0.0
        GuardJobFailureMSG.Show()  ; no rewards for those who abandon their duties
        ; add any other consequences here!

    elseif Utility.GetCurrentGameTime() * 24.0 >= FinishTime ; have worked long enough
        FinishTime = 0.0  ; reset for next time
        akActionRef.AddItem(Gold001, 250) ;adds gold

    else ; not done yet! The message can show how many hours are left
        GuardJobWorkLongerMSG.Show(FinishTime - Utility.GetCurrentGameTime() * 24.0)


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Assuming there's just one activator, skip the global variable and just let a variable in the activator script keep track.

Scriptname GuardJobScript extends ObjectReference

Message Property DoJobMSG Auto
Message Property JobDoneMSG Auto
Message Property WorkLongerMSG Auto

MiscObject Property Gold001 Auto

float FinishTime  ; the only status variable needed

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)

    if akActionRef != Game.GetPlayer()  ; do not let other NPCs trigger this

    if FinishTime == 0.0  ; starting a shift
        FinishTime = 8.0 + Utility.GetCurrentGameTime() * 24.0 ; converts days to hours
        DoJobMSG.Show(8.0)  ; JobTime value can be shown in message.

    elseif Utility.GetCurrentGameTime() * 24.0 >= FinishTime ; have worked long enough
        FinishTime = 0.0  ; reset for next time
        akActionRef.AddItem(Gold001, 250) ;adds gold

    else ; not done yet! The message can show how many hours are left
        WorkLongerMSG.Show(FinishTime - Utility.GetCurrentGameTime() * 24.0)



Personally I would add the player to an alias when the job starts that then monitors for location change, sleeping, waiting, etc. to make sure the player actually does the job. If anything goes wrong I would then have the alias script force the player back out. Then this script could be used to decide if payment was actually appropriate:

Scriptname GuardJobScript extends ObjectReference

Message Property GuardJobStartMSG Auto
Message Property GuardJobSuccessMSG Auto
Message Property GuardJobFailureMSG Auto
Message Property GuardJobWorkLongerMSG Auto

ReferenceAlias Property GuardJobAlias Auto

MiscObject Property Gold001 Auto

float FinishTime  ; the only status variable needed

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)

    if akActionRef != Game.GetPlayer()  ; do not let other NPCs trigger this

    if FinishTime == 0.0  ; starting a shift

        FinishTime = 8.0 + Utility.GetCurrentGameTime() * 24.0 ; converts days to hours
        GuardJobStartMSG.Show(8.0)  ; JobTime value can be shown in message.

    elseif GuardJobAlias.GetReference() != akActionRef  ; failed the job assignment!
        FinishTime = 0.0
        GuardJobFailureMSG.Show()  ; no rewards for those who abandon their duties
        ; add any other consequences here!

    elseif Utility.GetCurrentGameTime() * 24.0 >= FinishTime ; have worked long enough
        FinishTime = 0.0  ; reset for next time
        akActionRef.AddItem(Gold001, 250) ;adds gold

    else ; not done yet! The message can show how many hours are left
        GuardJobWorkLongerMSG.Show(FinishTime - Utility.GetCurrentGameTime() * 24.0)



FinishTime == 0.0 guess that means 0 hours???
FinishTime = 8.0 + Utility.GetCurrentGameTime() * 24.0 ; converts days to hours
i understand that line partially im guessing if finish time is 0 then it becomes 8 hours plus what the game time is currently added together??? kinda lost on that..

elseif GuardJobAlias.GetReference() != akActionRef ; failed the job assignment!

that line of code im not sure what it means


Utility.GetCurrentGameTime() * 24.0 >= FinishTime

to me it looks like if current game time is greater or equal to finish time?

After looking up at the finishtime variable i thnk i get it..


FinishTime = 8.0 + Utility.GetCurrentGameTime() * 24.0

this line is setting finishtime to 8 hours plus adding the current game time hour to it as well?

like if it is 4:12 pm when i use this in game finish time is now 12:12 am???


GuardJobWorkLongerMSG.Show(FinishTime - Utility.GetCurrentGameTime() * 24.0)

if im using a msg in ck for this what would i need to put in ck? anything leave it blank or

how does the variables get used with ck msg...


sorry for all the questions but im trying to learn why the things you did to the script are there so i can learn it myself and not beg people to do it for me.. i like to learn on my own so ive managed to piece together things and make it work by reading and looking at some source


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Yes, I think you've already figured it out.


The logic is that FinishTime should be the time the job will be complete or 0 if the job isn't started. It starts at 0 by default so the first time you activate the container the action is to calculate when the job will be complete and store it. (And yes, that means if you start late one day your shift might end in the early morning of the next.)


In the basic version of the script there are really only three possibilities when you activate the object.

  1. FinishTime is 0 so you're just starting.
  2. The current time is after the job FinishTime so you're done.
  3. You still have some time left.

The advanced version adds the idea of an Alias you can force the player into. That alias would then have a script that detects if the player leaves the area or does anything else you would consider a violation of being "on duty." If it detects something it doesn't like it can clear the alias. Then when the player comes back and activates the object there's an extra possibility. If the alias got cleared early then the player broke your rules and won't get the reward.



As for the messages, the formatting options are described on the Show page on the Wiki. The short version is that if you put a message like "You still have %.1f hours of duty left." as the message then the %.1f will be replaced by the hours passed in from the script (with the minutes expressed as tenths of an hour). That formatting isn't ideal, but it should work. If you wanted something fancier like hours and minutes the message would be "You still have %.0f hours and %.0f minutes of duty left." and that last block of code would be:

    else ; not done yet! The message can show how many hours are left
        float hoursLeft = FinishTime - Utility.GetCurrentGameTime() * 24.0
        float minutesLeft = (hoursLeft - (hoursLeft as int)) * 60.0
        GuardJobWorkLongerMSG.Show(hoursLeft, minutesLeft)
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