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Small Conflict with RND?


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Right, so, thanks much in advance for this!


I have a problem with Realistic Needs and Diseases. So, the alcohol system isn't working. As far as searching and the obvious has told me, the issue is that it has to be conflicting with another mod (OK, perfect!). I thought that at one point today I had installed a mod that actually prompted me about whether or not I was using RND or not as it would affect the alcohol system- at the time I had selected no. Flash forward to now.


I've re-installed every single one of my mods that I had done today, very carefully paying attention to their requirements and load order, however that prompt has never appeared again for any of my mods on the install- so I have absolutely no idea which mod it was- or if I even still have it.


I'm using MO, I have no issues in LOOT (except for one T5SEDIT concern with multiple adoptions). Everything has been freshly installed/updated at least as of March 2016, most of them as of this past week.






Bear in mind that I have removed a number of things, however their required (potentially useless) mods are still in place and if you see anything I should just remove (such as probably ZaZ, but I can't remember if I need it for anything else since I don't actually use those animations), let me know.


As a side topic, I can't seem to get pregnancy scaling with BF to work, ever, so if anyone can let me know if I'm missing something pretty key here. The RND is more important because I've had enough of trying to get that to work.



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