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Script Conflict - How to properly handle it?


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when you get the file I send, expose it and look at each entry and see what is corresponding with what.


The workbench is default fallout3.esm source, that's one of the things you will notice.

Light house seems not to have any thing in it to cause harm but Binoc and the workbench mods do.


Binoc uses default code so it's the same data, workbench is the only real changed data.

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Ok, I'm eager to look into it and absorb what you just provided me.


BTW I'm reading:


Completely Overwhelmed... :sad:
Started by ZpIIlz, Jul 15 2016 05:16 PM



It is a hell of a read. I think people are worth it. There were some that thought otherwise.

you never know what the future has in store for you unless you step up and step forward.


In a newbie level, it's is as the title say's. IT fits. But.. a step by step one on one application of knowledge goes a long way.


Some things "at first" may appear out of order...but then things start to drop into place. When the last thing drops into place? That's when it all comes together and pop's you in the face !.


you find your self staring, and playing the game and forget how you got there in the first place.


It makes it quite obvious no thought toward the users were made in the software it's self.


Does that mean we just give up? Perhaps not... sit down, take a load off, read, think about things...do some tests as laid out. Think some more about the tools that made this possible. then think hard about what I have shared.


I have mentioned "Fallout3" is My game. you have to wonder why I might say that? <-- Don't, just do.


On the thread mentioned, we have left off at a point where things have shown them selves not to be in a desired lay out.

As so posted, the other party has "thought a great deal", and now "does" understand how a lot of it all works now.


What took place over time is a lot of effort on all sides to get to the truth about that "how it all works".


Here , on the nexus, all of this was shared. What I shared IS "That's my MOD".

Gawd, have I got a lot still cooking in the kitchen.


Your welcome.



Edited by Purr4me
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Look, I checked the plugin you sent me.


I activated it and, in-game, this is what happens.


I checked your file in FO3Edit and everything seems ok. The script matches the one from Workbench Repair&Dismantle, also the missing additional references added by Workbench.




scn SchematicsWorkbenchScript
;workbench to create and repair weapons
; 1. Which schematics does the player have? Display as buttons.
; 2. If has items needed to create, do it; otherwise display "error" message
short HasItems
short Button
short AwaitingInput
ref EquippedWeaponBase ; GetEquippedObject will be set to this variable
ref EquippedWeaponRef ; Because GetEquippedObject returns a base id, this variable will contain its ref id
short RepairSkill
short ToolBonus
short RepairJunkVariableMelee
short RepairJunkVariableEnergy
short RepairJunkVariableFirearm
float RepairFinalCondition
short item1
short item2
short item3
short item4
float weaponCondition ; calculate what condition the weapon is at when created
; how many of these weapons has the player made?
;short countBottlecap
;short countDartGun
;short countDeathclaw
;short countNuka
;short countRailway
;short countRockit
;short countShishkebab
Begin OnActivate
if IsActionRef player ; display Workbench repair context menu
ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchMsgBase
set AwaitingInput to 1
set HasItems to 0
if GetHasNote SchematicsBottlecapMineNote == 1 || GetHasNote SchematicsDartGunNote == 1 || GetHasNote SchematicsDeathclawGauntletNote == 1
set HasItems to 1
if GetHasNote SchematicsNukaCocktailNote == 1 || GetHasNote SchematicsRailwayRifleNote == 1 || GetHasNote SchematicsRockitLauncherNote == 1 || GetHasNote SchematicsShishkebabNote == 1
set HasItems to 1
if GetHasNote SchematicsBottlecapMineNote10 == 1 || GetHasNote SchematicsDartGunNote10 == 1 || GetHasNote SchematicsDeathclawGauntletNote10 == 1
set HasItems to 1
if GetHasNote SchematicsNukaCocktailNote10 == 1 || GetHasNote SchematicsRailwayRifleNote10 == 1 || GetHasNote SchematicsRockitLauncherNote10 == 1 || GetHasNote SchematicsShishkebabNote10 == 1
set HasItems to 1
if GetHasNote SchematicsBottlecapMineNote20 == 1 || GetHasNote SchematicsDartGunNote20 == 1 || GetHasNote SchematicsDeathclawGauntletNote20 == 1 || GetHasNote SchematicsRockitLauncherNote30 == 1
set HasItems to 1
if GetHasNote SchematicsNukaCocktailNote20 == 1 || GetHasNote SchematicsRailwayRifleNote20 == 1 || GetHasNote SchematicsRockitLauncherNote20 == 1 || GetHasNote SchematicsShishkebabNote20 == 1
set HasItems to 1
Begin GameMode
set Button to GetButtonPressed
if AwaitingInput == 1
if button == 3
if player.getitemcount weap10mmsubmachinegun == 0 && player.getitemcount weapshotguncombat == 0 && player.getitemcount weaphuntingrifle == 0 && player.getitemcount weapassaultrifle == 0 && player.getitemcount weapchineseassaultrifle == 0 && player.getitemcount weapsniperrifle == 0 && player.getitemcount weapminigun == 0 && player.getitemcount weapplasmarifle == 0 && player.getitemcount weapLaserRifle == 0
ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchMsgDismantleFail
elseif player.getitemcount weap10mmsubmachinegun == 0 && player.getitemcount weapshotguncombat == 0 && player.getitemcount weaphuntingrifle == 0 && player.getitemcount weapassaultrifle == 0 && player.getitemcount weapchineseassaultrifle == 0 && player.getitemcount weapsniperrifle == 0 && player.getitemcount weapminigun == 0 && player.getav repair < 50
ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchMsgDismantleFail
elseif player.getitemcount weap10mmsubmachinegun == 0 && player.getitemcount weapshotguncombat == 0 && player.getitemcount weaphuntingrifle == 0 && player.getitemcount weapassaultrifle == 0 && player.getitemcount weapchineseassaultrifle == 0 && player.getav repair < 30
ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchMsgDismantleFail
ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchMsgDismantle
set AwaitingInput to 10
set Button to GetButtonPressed
if button == 1
if ( player.GetWeaponHealthPerc ) < 100
ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchMsgRepair
RepairStorageReference.Activate Player
set EquippedWeaponBase to player.GetEquippedObject 5
set EquippedWeaponRef to player.placeatme EquippedWeaponBase 1 100 1
set RepairJunkVariableEnergy to 0
set RepairJunkVariableFirearm to 0
set RepairJunkVariableMelee to 0
set RepairSkill to player.getav Repair
set ToolBonus to 0
set AwaitingInput to 20
set Button to GetButtonPressed
ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchMsgNoRepair
if button == 2
if HasItems == 1
ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchMsg
set AwaitingInput to 30
set Button to GetButtonPressed
ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchNoneMsg
if AwaitingInput == 10
if button ==1
PlaySound UIRepairWeapon
player.removeitem weap10mmsubmachinegun 1
player.additem WorkbenchRepairParts 1
ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchMsgDismantle
set AwaitingInput to 10
set Button to GetButtonPressed
if button ==2
PlaySound UIRepairWeapon
player.removeitem weapshotguncombat 1
player.additem WorkbenchRepairParts 1
ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchMsgDismantle
set AwaitingInput to 10
set Button to GetButtonPressed
if button ==3
PlaySound UIRepairWeapon
player.removeitem weaphuntingrifle 1
player.additem WorkbenchRepairParts 1
ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchMsgDismantle
set AwaitingInput to 10
set Button to GetButtonPressed
if button ==4
PlaySound UIRepairWeapon
player.removeitem weapassaultrifle 1
player.additem WorkbenchRepairParts 2
ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchMsgDismantle
set AwaitingInput to 10
set Button to GetButtonPressed
if button ==5
PlaySound UIRepairWeapon
player.removeitem weapchineseassaultrifle 1
player.additem WorkbenchRepairParts 2
ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchMsgDismantle
set AwaitingInput to 10
set Button to GetButtonPressed
if button ==6
PlaySound UIRepairWeapon
player.removeitem weapsniperrifle 1
player.additem WorkbenchRepairParts 3
ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchMsgDismantle
set AwaitingInput to 10
set Button to GetButtonPressed
if button ==7
PlaySound UIRepairWeapon
player.removeitem weapminigun 1
player.additem WorkbenchRepairParts 3
ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchMsgDismantle
set AwaitingInput to 10
set Button to GetButtonPressed
if button ==8
PlaySound UIRepairWeapon
player.removeitem weaplaserrifle 1
player.additem WorkbenchRepairPartsAdvanced 2
ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchMsgDismantle
set AwaitingInput to 10
set Button to GetButtonPressed
if button ==9
PlaySound UIRepairWeapon
player.removeitem weapplasmarifle 1
player.additem WorkbenchRepairPartsAdvanced 2
ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchMsgDismantle
set AwaitingInput to 10
set Button to GetButtonPressed
if AwaitingInput == 20
if button ==1
if EquippedWeaponRef.IsWeaponSkillType unarmed == 1 || EquippedWeaponRef.IsWeaponSkillType meleeweapons == 1
; Function 1, for unarmed and melee weapons... Whet Stone, Hammer, Scrap Metal, Wonderglue
if (RepairStorageReference.getitemcount whetstone01 > 0)
set RepairJunkVariableMelee to RepairJunkVariableMelee +2*(RepairStorageReference.getitemcount whetstone01)
if (RepairStorageReference.getitemcount spareparts > 0)
set RepairJunkVariableMelee to RepairJunkVariableMelee +1*(RepairStorageReference.getitemcount spareparts)
if (RepairStorageReference.getitemcount wonderglue > 0)
set RepairJunkVariableMelee to RepairJunkVariableMelee +1*(RepairStorageReference.getitemcount wonderglue)
if (RepairStorageReference.getitemcount EquippedWeaponBase > 0)
set RepairJunkVariableMelee to RepairJunkVariableMelee + 3*(RepairStorageReference.getitemcount EquippedWeaponBase)
if RepairJunkVariableMelee > 0
if (Player.getitemcount hammer01 > 0)
set ToolBonus to 10
if RepairJunkVariableMelee == 0
showmessage SchematicsWorkbenchMsgRepairFail
set RepairFinalCondition to RepairSkill*(RepairJunkVariableMelee/10) + player.GetWeaponHealthPerc + ToolBonus +8
if (RepairFinalCondition > 100)
set RepairFinalCondition to 100
player.SetWeaponHealthPerc RepairFinalCondition
PlaySound UIRepairWeapon
ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchMsgRepairComplete
RepairStorageReference.removeallitems RepairStorageEndReference
if EquippedWeaponRef.IsWeaponSkillType smallguns == 1 || EquippedWeaponRef.IsWeaponSkillType bigguns == 1
; Function 2, for small guns and big guns... Abraxo Cleaner, Bent Tin Can, Tin Can, Scrap Metal, [Wrench], and Weapon Parts
if (RepairStorageReference.getitemcount AbraxoCleaner > 0)
set RepairJunkVariableFirearm to RepairJunkVariableFirearm +1*(RepairStorageReference.getitemcount AbraxoCleaner)
if (RepairStorageReference.getitemcount TinCan01 > 0)
set RepairJunkVariableFirearm to RepairJunkVariableFirearm +1*(RepairStorageReference.getitemcount TinCan01)
if (RepairStorageReference.getitemcount TinCan02 > 0)
set RepairJunkVariableFirearm to RepairJunkVariableFirearm +1*(RepairStorageReference.getitemcount TinCan02)
if (RepairStorageReference.getitemcount SpareParts > 0)
set RepairJunkVariableFirearm to RepairJunkVariableFirearm +2*(RepairStorageReference.getitemcount SpareParts)
if (RepairStorageReference.getitemcount WorkbenchRepairParts > 0)
set RepairJunkVariableFirearm to RepairJunkVariableFirearm +3*(RepairStorageReference.getitemcount WorkbenchRepairParts)
if (RepairStorageReference.getitemcount EquippedWeaponBase > 0)
set RepairJunkVariableFirearm to RepairJunkVariableFirearm + 3*(RepairStorageReference.getitemcount EquippedWeaponBase)
if RepairJunkVariableFirearm > 0
if (Player.getitemcount Wrench01 > 0)
set ToolBonus to 10
if RepairJunkVariableFirearm == 0
showmessage SchematicsWorkbenchMsgRepairFail
set RepairFinalCondition to RepairSkill*(RepairJunkVariableFirearm/10) + player.GetWeaponHealthPerc + ToolBonus + 5
if (RepairFinalCondition > 100)
set RepairFinalCondition to 100
player.SetWeaponHealthPerc RepairFinalCondition
PlaySound UIRepairWeapon
ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchMsgRepairComplete
RepairStorageReference.removeallitems RepairStorageEndReference
if EquippedWeaponRef.IsWeaponSkillType energyweapons == 1
; Function 3 for energy weapons... Fission Battery, Sensor Module, Scrap Metal, Wrench, and Advanced Weapon Parts
if (RepairStorageReference.getitemcount SensorModule > 0)
set RepairJunkVariableEnergy to RepairJunkVariableEnergy +2*(RepairStorageReference.getitemcount SensorModule)
if (RepairStorageReference.getitemcount FissionBattery > 0)
set RepairJunkVariableEnergy to RepairJunkVariableEnergy +1*(RepairStorageReference.getitemcount FissionBattery)
if (RepairStorageReference.getitemcount SpareParts > 0)
set RepairJunkVariableEnergy to RepairJunkVariableEnergy +2*(RepairStorageReference.getitemcount SpareParts)
if (RepairStorageReference.getitemcount WorkbenchRepairPartsAdvanced > 0)
set RepairJunkVariableEnergy to RepairJunkVariableEnergy +3*(RepairStorageReference.getitemcount WorkbenchRepairPartsAdvanced)
if (RepairStorageReference.getitemcount EquippedWeaponBase > 0)
set RepairJunkVariableEnergy to RepairJunkVariableEnergy + 3*(RepairStorageReference.getitemcount EquippedWeaponBase)
if RepairJunkVariableEnergy > 0
if (Player.getitemcount Wrench01 > 0)
set ToolBonus to 10
if RepairJunkVariableEnergy == 0
showmessage SchematicsWorkbenchMsgRepairFail
set RepairFinalCondition to RepairSkill*(RepairJunkVariableEnergy/10) + player.GetWeaponHealthPerc + ToolBonus + 5
if (RepairFinalCondition > 100)
set RepairFinalCondition to 100
player.SetWeaponHealthPerc RepairFinalCondition
PlaySound UIRepairWeapon
ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchMsgRepairComplete
RepairStorageReference.removeallitems RepairStorageEndReference
if AwaitingInput == 30
if ( Button >0 )
; base condition is just repair skill
set weaponCondition to (player.getav Repair)/100
if button == 1
; bottlecap mine
; 1. check for schematics
if GetHasNote SchematicsBottlecapMineNote == 0 && GetHasNote SchematicsBottlecapMineNote10 == 0 && GetHasNote SchematicsBottlecapMineNote20 == 0
ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchFailureGenericMsg
; 2. check for components
if ( player.GetItemCount LunchBox > 0 ) && ( player.GetItemCount CherryBomb > 0 ) && ( player.GetItemCount SensorModule > 0 ) && ( player.GetItemCount Caps001 >= 10 )
; 3. make it
ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchSuccessBottlecapMsg
player.RemoveItem LunchBox 1 1
player.RemoveItem CherryBomb 1 1
player.RemoveItem SensorModule 1 1
player.RemoveItem Caps001 10 1
; Mines and Grenades are always 100%
if player.gethasNote SchematicsBottlecapMineNote
player.AddItemHealthPercent WeapMineBottlecap 1 100
elseif player.gethasNote SchematicsBottlecapMineNote10
player.AddItemHealthPercent WeapMineBottlecap 2 100
elseif player.gethasNote SchematicsBottlecapMineNote20
player.AddItemHealthPercent WeapMineBottlecap 3 100
PlaySound UIRepairWeapon
; increment count
ModPCMiscStat "Weapons Created" 1
set countBottlecap to countBottlecap + 1
;If the player has made one of each item, add Achievement 40
if countWeapAchievement == 0
if countBottlecap >= 1 && countDartgun >= 1 && countDeathclaw >= 1 && countNuka >= 1 && countRailway >= 1 && countRockit >= 1 && countShishkebab >= 1
addachievement 40
set countWeapAchievement to 1
; 4. failure message
set item1 to player.GetItemCount LunchBox
set item2 to player.GetItemCount CherryBomb
set item3 to player.GetItemCount SensorModule
set item4 to player.GetItemCount Caps001
ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchFailureBottlecapMsg, item1, item2, item3, item4
ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchMsg
elseif button == 2
; dart gun
; 1. check for schematics
if GetHasNote SchematicsDartGunNote == 0 && GetHasNote SchematicsDartGunNote10 == 0 && GetHasNote SchematicsDartGunNote20 == 0
ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchFailureGenericMsg
;2. check for components
if ( player.GetItemCount PaintGun > 0 ) && ( player.GetItemCount RadscorpionPoisonGland > 0 ) && ( player.GetItemCount ToyCar > 0 ) && ( player.GetItemCount SurgicalTubing > 0 )
;3. make it
;message "Dart Gun created."
ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchSuccessDartGunMsg
player.RemoveItem PaintGun 1 1
player.RemoveItem RadscorpionPoisonGland 1 1
player.RemoveItem ToyCar 1 1
player.RemoveItem SurgicalTubing 1 1
; calculate condition
set weaponCondition to (weaponCondition * countDartGunBonus)
if weaponCondition > 100
set weaponCondition to 100
player.AddItemHealthPercent WeapDartGun 1 weaponCondition
PlaySound UIRepairWeapon
; increment count
ModPCMiscStat "Weapons Created" 1
set countDartgun to countDartgun + 1
;If the player has made one of each item, add Achievement 40
if countWeapAchievement == 0
if countBottlecap >= 1 && countDartgun >= 1 && countDeathclaw >= 1 && countNuka >= 1 && countRailway >= 1 && countRockit >= 1 && countShishkebab >= 1
addachievement 40
set countWeapAchievement to 1
;failure message
set item1 to player.GetItemCount PaintGun
set item2 to player.GetItemCount RadscorpionPoisonGland
set item3 to player.GetItemCount ToyCar
set item4 to player.GetItemCount SurgicalTubing
ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchFailureDartGunMsg, item1, item2, item3, item4
ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchMsg
elseif button == 3
; deathclaw gauntlet
; 1. check for schematics
if GetHasNote SchematicsDeathclawGauntletNote == 0 && GetHasNote SchematicsDeathclawGauntletNote10 == 0 && GetHasNote SchematicsDeathclawGauntletNote20 == 0
ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchFailureGenericMsg
; 2. check for components
if ( player.GetItemCount WonderGlue > 0 ) && ( player.GetItemCount DeathclawHand > 0 ) && ( player.GetItemCount LeatherBelt > 0 ) && ( player.GetItemCount MedicalBrace > 0 )
; 3. make it
;message "Deathclaw Gauntlet created."
ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchSuccessDeathclawMsg
player.RemoveItem WonderGlue 1 1
player.RemoveItem DeathclawHand 1 1
player.RemoveItem LeatherBelt 1 1
player.RemoveItem MedicalBrace 1 1
; calculate condition
set weaponCondition to (weaponCondition * countDeathclawBonus)
if weaponCondition > 100
set weaponCondition to 100
player.AddItemHealthPercent WeapDeathclawGauntlet 1 weaponCondition
PlaySound UIRepairWeapon
; increment count
ModPCMiscStat "Weapons Created" 1
set countDeathclaw to countDeathclaw + 1
;If the player has made one of each item, add Achievement 40
if countWeapAchievement == 0
if countBottlecap >= 1 && countDartgun >= 1 && countDeathclaw >= 1 && countNuka >= 1 && countRailway >= 1 && countRockit >= 1 && countShishkebab >= 1
addachievement 40
set countWeapAchievement to 1
; 4. failure message
set item1 to player.GetItemCount WonderGlue
set item2 to player.GetItemCount DeathclawHand
set item3 to player.GetItemCount LeatherBelt
set item4 to player.GetItemCount MedicalBrace
ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchFailureDeathclawMsg, item1, item2, item3, item4
ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchMsg
elseif button == 4
; nuka grenade
; 1. check for schematics
if GetHasNote SchematicsNukaCocktailNote == 0 && GetHasNote SchematicsNukaCocktailNote10 == 0 && GetHasNote SchematicsNukaCocktailNote20 == 0
ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchFailureGenericMsg
; 2. check for components
if ( player.GetItemCount MS05NukaColaQtm > 0 ) && ( player.GetItemCount TinCan01 > 0 ) && ( player.GetItemCount Turpentine > 0 ) && ( player.GetItemCount AbraxoCleaner > 0 )
; 3. make it
;message "Nuka Cocktail created."
ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchSuccessNukaCocktailMsg
player.RemoveItem MS05NukaColaQtm 1 1
player.RemoveItem TinCan01 1 1
player.RemoveItem Turpentine 1 1
player.RemoveItem AbraxoCleaner 1 1
; Mines and Grenades are always 100%
if player.gethasNote SchematicsNukaCocktailNote
player.AddItemHealthPercent WeapNukaCocktail 1 100
elseif player.gethasNote SchematicsNukaCocktailNote10
player.AddItemHealthPercent WeapNukaCocktail 2 100
elseif player.gethasNote SchematicsNukaCocktailNote20
player.AddItemHealthPercent WeapNukaCocktail 3 100
PlaySound UIRepairWeapon
; increment count
ModPCMiscStat "Weapons Created" 1
set countNuka to countNuka + 1
;If the player has made one of each item, add Achievement 40
if countWeapAchievement == 0
if countBottlecap >= 1 && countDartgun >= 1 && countDeathclaw >= 1 && countNuka >= 1 && countRailway >= 1 && countRockit >= 1 && countShishkebab >= 1
addachievement 40
set countWeapAchievement to 1
; 4. failure message
set item1 to player.GetItemCount MS05NukaColaQtm
set item2 to player.GetItemCount TinCan01
set item3 to player.GetItemCount Turpentine
set item4 to player.GetItemCount AbraxoCleaner
ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchFailureNukaCocktailMsg, item1, item2, item3, item4
ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchMsg
elseif button == 5
; railway rifle
; 1. check for schematics
if GetHasNote SchematicsRailwayRifleNote == 0 && GetHasNote SchematicsRailwayRifleNote10 == 0 && GetHasNote SchematicsRailwayRifleNote20 == 0
ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchFailureGenericMsg
; 2. check for components
if ( player.GetItemCount Crutch > 0 ) && ( player.GetItemCount SteamGaugeAssembly > 0 ) && ( player.GetItemCount FissionBattery > 0 ) && ( player.GetItemCount PressureCooker > 0 )
; 3. make it
;message "Railway Rifle created."
ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchSuccessRailwayRifleMsg
player.RemoveItem Crutch 1 1
player.RemoveItem SteamGaugeAssembly 1 1
player.RemoveItem FissionBattery 1 1
player.RemoveItem PressureCooker 1 1
; calculate condition
set weaponCondition to (weaponCondition * countRailwayBonus)
if weaponCondition > 100
set weaponCondition to 100
player.AddItemHealthPercent WeapRailwayRifle 1 weaponCondition
PlaySound UIRepairWeapon
; increment count
ModPCMiscStat "Weapons Created" 1
set countRailway to countRailway + 1
;If the player has made one of each item, add Achievement 40
if countWeapAchievement == 0
if countBottlecap >= 1 && countDartgun >= 1 && countDeathclaw >= 1 && countNuka >= 1 && countRailway >= 1 && countRockit >= 1 && countShishkebab >= 1
addachievement 40
set countWeapAchievement to 1
; 4. failure message
set item1 to player.GetItemCount Crutch
set item2 to player.GetItemCount SteamGaugeAssembly
set item3 to player.GetItemCount FissionBattery
set item4 to player.GetItemCount PressureCooker
ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchFailureRailwayRifleMsg, item1, item2, item3, item4
ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchMsg
elseif button == 6
; rock-it launcher
; 1. check for schematics
if GetHasNote SchematicsRockItLauncherNote == 0 && GetHasNote SchematicsRockItLauncherNote10 == 0 && GetHasNote SchematicsRockItLauncherNote20 == 0 && GetHasNote SchematicsRockItLauncherNote30 == 0
ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchFailureGenericMsg
; 2. check for components
if ( player.GetItemCount VacuumCleaner > 0 ) && ( player.GetItemCount LeafBlower > 0 ) && ( player.GetItemCount FirehoseNozzle > 0 ) && ( player.GetItemCount Conductor > 0 )
; 3. make it
;message "Rock-It Launcher created."
ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchSuccessRockItMsg
player.RemoveItem VacuumCleaner 1 1
player.RemoveItem LeafBlower 1 1
player.RemoveItem FirehoseNozzle 1 1
player.RemoveItem Conductor 1 1
; calculate condition
set weaponCondition to (weaponCondition * countRockitBonus )
if weaponCondition > 100
set weaponCondition to 100
player.AddItemHealthPercent WeapRockItLauncher 1 weaponCondition
PlaySound UIRepairWeapon
; increment count
ModPCMiscStat "Weapons Created" 1
set countRockit to countRockit + 1
;If the player has made one of each item, add Achievement 40
if countWeapAchievement == 0
if countBottlecap >= 1 && countDartgun >= 1 && countDeathclaw >= 1 && countNuka >= 1 && countRailway >= 1 && countRockit >= 1 && countShishkebab >= 1
addachievement 40
set countWeapAchievement to 1
; 4. failure message
set item1 to player.GetItemCount VacuumCleaner
set item2 to player.GetItemCount LeafBlower
set item3 to player.GetItemCount FirehoseNozzle
set item4 to player.GetItemCount Conductor
ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchFailureRockItMsg, item1, item2, item3, item4
ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchMsg
elseif button == 7
; Shishkebab
; 1. check for schematics
if GetHasNote SchematicsShishkebabNote == 0 && GetHasNote SchematicsShishkebabNote10 == 0 && GetHasNote SchematicsShishkebabNote20 == 0
ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchFailureGenericMsg
; 2. check for components
if ( player.GetItemCount MotorcycleGasTank > 0 ) && ( player.GetItemCount PilotLight > 0 ) && ( player.GetItemCount LawnmowerBlade > 0 ) && ( player.GetItemCount MotorcycleHandbrake > 0 )
; 3. make it
;message "Shishkebab created."
ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchSuccessShishkebabMsg
player.RemoveItem MotorcycleGasTank 1 1
player.RemoveItem PilotLight 1 1
player.RemoveItem LawnmowerBlade 1 1
player.RemoveItem MotorcycleHandBrake 1 1
; calculate condition
set weaponCondition to (weaponCondition * countShishkebabBonus )
if weaponCondition > 100
set weaponCondition to 100
player.AddItemHealthPercent WeapShishkebab 1 weaponCondition
PlaySound UIRepairWeapon
; increment count
ModPCMiscStat "Weapons Created" 1
set countShishkebab to countShishkebab + 1
;If the player has made one of each item, add Achievement 40
if countWeapAchievement == 0
if countBottlecap >= 1 && countDartgun >= 1 && countDeathclaw >= 1 && countNuka >= 1 && countRailway >= 1 && countRockit >= 1 && countShishkebab >= 1
addachievement 40
set countWeapAchievement to 1
; 4. failure message
set item1 to player.GetItemCount MotorcycleGasTank
set item2 to player.GetItemCount PilotLight
set item3 to player.GetItemCount LawnmowerBlade
set item4 to player.GetItemCount MotorcycleHandbrake
ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchFailureShishkebabMsg, item1, item2, item3, item4
ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchMsg
endif ; This one's mine

I have personally checked the script above and when loaded alone, it works.
Now this is the mistery for me, when Workbench is loaded with Lighthouse it doesn't work anymore.
So I started testing combinations to see what could I reproduce:
This is what happens when I activate Workbench with Binoculars mod. Can you notice the message on the left upper corner? It is a different conflict. :huh: :huh: :huh:
Now THIS is what happens when we have all of them activated without your patch, to clear out, nothing happens. Now I activate your patch BinLightWorkBench, like THIS. Nothing happens, it is the same.
To explain further, your patch is actually doing nothing. I receive the same "click" sound of pressing "E" but nothing happens, as if there was no activator script. I tried to open all in G.E.C.K and inspect, but what a hot dog seller could see when inspecting a Nuclear Bomb?
One thing I noticed, when I do not load Workbench in GECK, the workbench script, for some reason, is the default one. But when I load it, it gets updated to the one that should make the MSGBOX appear. I thought that by adding and saving the script in GECK, it would overwrite fallout3.esm info.
BTW, this is my FO3Edit:

It is different!
There is some missing references and errors in the Workbench ESP.

Isn't weird it is different from yours. What I noticed is that Binoculars is identical to master. Lighthouse, as you said, doesn't even comes to play. Workbench comes and overwrites, but soon is overwrited by your patch and transformed into conflict loser. Something fishy is happening.
Well this is all that I got. If you can help me further I would appreciate. I'm thinking about PMing that guy who has a Yugi-Oh pic in his nexus profile, to see if he can help me sorting this out. I think he is the responsible for support in Cipsis webpage.
Also I forgot! Good morning and have a good day.
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Looking into it. looks like the code came from another mod.

  1. Craft
  2. FWE
  3. Fook
  4. weapon mod rip
  5. MUW
  6. any large old mod.

it's missing code that should be there. I just used the mods put forth, and it needs more investigations.


Good morning. Fishy is the correct term.

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"The missing Element IS FOSE"




Fallout 3 Patch 1.7
FOSE v1_2
Fallout Mod Manager

and there were two versions made. IF FOSE is not running, the very version the author used for the light house mod, then the data will invalidate the code from the start.


NOTE the version is v1_2 ..? not beta, not 3 but that one.

The light house source is point lookout as well. DLC content derivative.


The workbench your using is in the main master file and not in the DLC ..not that it might matter any but the missing code DOES matter a great DEAL.

Running a few tests here to see If I can replicate exactly the lay out of screen shots you posted.


I'll have you know, I downloaded every possible mod catering to "workBenches" Stand alone mods.

you have no idea the amount of work this took too find.


Another FOSE mod..that's all I needed.

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I see. What If I tell you that I might have the answer?


I was looking it and all those mods, and the Workbenchrepairsv2 works flawlessly with any combination of other house mods and any other mod that is on my list of 80. So I was looking what was the culprit, it couldn't be WorkbenchRepairsv2, the mod works, I can repair my weapons and the script works like intended. I can even install other house mods, made by people more capable and the workbenches work.


Now if you take a look at Binoculars.esp, I think this is the problematic scripted mod. This mod is a broken down version of another mod, check out Nexus page. It might be cut down scripted content. Even if the autor is the same, I bet he hasn't the knowledge you have, not even the one I acquired recently exchanging info with you.


I NOW UNDERSTAND that you cant go on Copy+Pasting content from GECK or FOSE because the data flow is very important, if the data is not flowing seamlessly, it might spawn abominations, CTDs and other anomalies.


Well Kitty, thanks to you I now try to pay attention to what I do, download, install. I even downloaded Safe Password yesterday. I'm going to implement it next week.


Now Lighthouse, is an old mod from someone (Lighthouse), updated by someone (Lighthouse 1.1) and again updated to work in a more recent software and probably less stable regarding to old content (Lighthouse 1.2/mine).


So in fact, all I undertood is that this is beyond fishy, is downright s***. Sorry for the word, but I don't believe the authors used the same machine or software versions to build all the props included in this Lighthouse, which is very cool, but does not work as intended. The basement of the Lighthouse is completely full of complicated scripts and probably have not been designed by the author, but copy+pasted from some other mods and injected into his house props. So there must be a lot of missing data.


I don't want to put your work down, but I reached a point in my mind that I cannot dedicate myself to ONE MOD, that my project could do without it. So I'm ditching Binoculars and Lighthouse, I'm sad to say because it is very lore-friendly to my character. But I'm not capable of going back in the past to figure out what is missing. Not even in software terms.


I might being rude to your dedication, but isn't better for the two of us? I don't want to bother you, you are an amazing person. I could keep up the contact, but I believe I could benefit from our contact more, if I don't waste your knowledge in this broken patchwork that these 2 mods proved to be. Sorry.


I hope you understand. It is ok for you if we dedicate ourselves to other stuff?

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I don't want to put your work down,

no sweat, it was a trial and error thing, a test item. just delete it.


just keep in mind what you learned, always be cautious of strange events. you can't remove hidden code from mods made out of sync.


Light house rings some old bells, way back in my mind, I recall something ,but I could not re,ember what. a quest stage? don't know, could be just Point-lookout I'm thinking of.


DLC was where I ran into the slasher knife and mask mistakes, hard coded never to be able to remove once dawned. Irreverent here.


Rock on babe, get to it. produce things. post some cool shots.


Kitty Black.

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