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Homosexual Marraiges


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I think of the children (adopted children) raised by the married couple. It would be awkward for them to grow up with knowledge of their parents' orientation.


I would disagree with that. They would be exposed to homosexuality day in, day out and would regard it as nothing special or unusual. They may find it awkward if they are adopted at a pretty late age (ie early teens), but that's about all.

Right. I had meant kids who has been previously exposed to heterosexual realtionships and who thought his foster parents' relationship was unhealthy. In a perfect world, the issue of peers picking on a kid with homosexual parents would be nonexistent. As it is, the problem remains.

Hmm, you have a point here, but I would say that other kids picking on the adopted kid because of the sexuality of his/her foster parents says more about the way those kids are being brought up more than anything else.


The only problem i see is that they want more rights than even heterosexual people have, and i find that rather flawed. How fair is it that they can wear a shirt that says gay pride but if a person wears a shirt that says straight pride, its against their rights?


I've never heard this claim, but, if someone does claim this, they're wrong. Anyone can wear a shirt with anything at all written on it. Nobody forces anyone else to read the shirt, or pay any sort of attention to what's written on it.


What kind of a society is it if you say anything at all against gay people, they have the right to sue you at the drop of a hat.


Frankly, a Western one. Anyone has the right to sue anyone else over just about any issue whatsoever. I could sue you because your avatar causes me emotional distress if I felt like it. I would probably lose, but I could still initiate proceedings against you.


They're doing a lot of harm in taking away our freedom of speech, so in effect they are having a negative impact on society. I really don't care if a person is gay or not, its their thing, but the fact that they start trying to take my rights away really angers me.


Personally, I've never felt as if I'm being constrained in my freedom of speech, or anything else, by homosexuals.

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I'm sure if you walked around with a shirt that says "straight pride" a police officer would make you take it off (ooh that sounds gay)


Folks, this is an absolutely frivolous debate....


Until someone provides me with documented proof of two male lions having a wild romp in the savanah, I have little time for any further discussion on these lines.


Be you atheist or other, we are all animals. As children, we adopt to our parents view of the world. When you are born, despite physical inheritance, you have zero knowledge of the world around you. This is ingrained by your parents.... as a result I firmly believe that permitting a gay couple to adopt a child is exactly the sorty of behaviour that will speed the decay and extinction of humanity as a species.


Now, if you'll excuse me, I think I hear my mate calling....... 


This is probaly the most quoted post now. Good argument as for breaking the frivolous debate, but being gay does have somthing to do with nature. Now I both agree with you and disagree about parents passing on behaviour. Yes parents do pass on much basic behaviour you would act much diffrent if raised by another diffrent family. Children being sexualy abused do somtimes grow up with problems and become gay, or even molesters them selfs. I think it has somthing to do with a clash between nature and human bevaiour (instinct vrs. learned) However perhaps by some kind of gene or defect people can be born prone to be gay, it is probaly still subject to their lifestyle. Often males raised by their mothers without a father figure tend to become homosexual. I don't think gay people will speed the extinction of humanity, where not exsactly on the endangered species list. I learned in school about how some animals will pare up with the same sex for survival reasons, two cheetas are better than one. This behavior can also be seen in prision when a weaker male will wh*re him self out for protection from opposing groups.


As for if the marraiges should be allowed, hmmmm... hard question. I think the kids getting picked on and gay people getting more rights could be a problem but those problems our mainly because of stupid people, greedy and prejudgice. I don't mind homosexuals and don't really care if they want to get married, if it's what they want and it wont hurt anyone it should be allowed. I'm sure the U.S. is probaly the most liberal country for this (and many things) But don't get the wrong idea, that dose not mean my countries all gayed up. There are Homosexuals all around the world, it's no more sick and wrong than sodomy with your woman. And I think sodomy is fine.

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Homosexuals do not bother me; though I disagree with the idea of same-sex preference, I will defend to the death their right to exercise said preference. It's like "I do not agree with what you are saying, but I will defend to the death your right to say it". I have some friends who are homosexual or have come out, and I must say it hasn't changed my friendship or attitude towards them, and I do not think less of them now because of their choice.


I also have an Aunt who is a Lesbian, she has been one before I was born. Her husband used to abuse her and because of this abuse it turned her away from men. So she sought comfort in women and thus she became a Lesbian. When I was little, we used to visit her and her partner and I never thought of anything of it. (because I was too young to understand homosexuality and I was also naive, we all were). Later on, I came to realize that an Aunt who lives with another woman and owns two female dogs just seemed odd. I had suspected that she was a Lesbian, but I had never asked my dad because I was afraid that it would embarass him. I finally asked and it was confirmed. I didn't think less of her, in fact I admired her for not being afraid to hide her homosexuality.


I think the main problem in America (and world wide) is that we have this fear of things we can't understand. Homosexuality has been demonized by the Church numerous times, and by Governments who are too Conservative and take the Bible word for word. I visited a website that bashes homosexuals, I do not have the link but if you have heard of the band Anti-Flag the link is on their website as an example of how f***ed up some people really are about this. This self-proclaimed "priest's" website also forces one to wonder how the U.S's Government would insure the protection of such a website.

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I agree, you can think homosexuality is wrong and not think it should be banned or limited to a sub culture without the rights and benifits of "normal" relationships.

I find when people "come out" ith a politicaly uncorrect sexual prefrance people explode with finger pointing and looking down on the person for their diffrent prefrence. I think saying "OH my GOD!" and "What!? he/she did not just say he/she is a somthing I'm not" when sombody is found to be homosexual is immature and pre judging. Mostly it's males that get the bashing because neither straight men nor woman tend to like the thought of them having sex, but lesbians get off eaiser (no pun intended) because men tend to think thats sexy, and from the females I talked to about it they say there not lesbian but they have freands that are and they even sleep over there house etc. Would a straight male sleep over the house of a known to be gay male freind? Now just because men having sex seems disturbing to you does that make it sick? What about old people? they still have sex somtimes and that must be disturbing to most younger people, so does that mean we should break up marrages when people get old? because of sex?! who cares? why does sex decide so much of our lives? I suppose you cant trust hank over there who's gay to hold any kind of job because his gayness will get in the way of his work? Sraight or gay only should effect who your with not every aspect of your life.

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the thing with bisexual marriages is...well, it may seem wrong, im sure if you saw 2 homosexuals walking down the street in tight leather holding hands im sure you would either be scared straight or try to ignore it, or even do what my dad does and be a complete idiot trying to show whos a "man" which is a stupid way, but im only against it morally, imagine, growing up getting lied to, your mum and her friend who is "constantly around" telling you that your father got a divorce with her, so she "shares" a house with her friend, then realising, "oh great, my parents are lesbians", for the sick minded, its a good thing, for the normal minded, it can lower your self esteem to the size of a dinosaurs brain, imagine the same situation, but both your parents are men, the find out at the age of 14/15, and you suddenly realise "so i dont have a real mother, and my parents are homo's, great!, wheres my f*cking knife!", growing up with bisexual parents can traumatise the child in a extreme way, things like this could even increast the youth suicide count, to be honest, and not trying to offend anyone, if religion is brought into such a debate when john howard or george bush (for example), all i could say to those people is


possibility of offending someone, if you get offended, its not my fault for warning you

"do you really think that someone with a unimaginable abilitiy could come up with all this crap, for all we know, the bible is a joke, so we have no choice except to let you sheep go on and ramble on about some idiots second coming which will never happen"



but, the whole religion aspect of something morally wrong does not make sence to me, i do not know how a book, can tell us what to do, when its the person who is in powers choice, not a book.


i probably made alot of spelling mistakes....ive been touch typing alot recently :whistling:

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"God" does seem to pop up everytime we discuss somthing totally unrelated to God, but this holds true for any debate I have with a christan (or other religion) From thier veiw everything is God God God. I would know used to be a christan most of my life. Now without god to explain why Homosexuality is wrong I can't really see a reason. God has no plan, if he did it hasn't been working for a long time. Anyway with that aside, If I was raised by gay parent's let's say both really into the "gay scene" and I was made fun of when my dad's came to my school and held hands in public places etc. I get new parents, probaly run away and join a gang, or go to prison (though that would lead me right back to the gay problem) I don't think marriage is the problem, it's the right to have kid's.
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Therefore, your belief that all behavior in children is ingrained by parents is simply wrong. Some is, in certain cases, of course; but the majority of human behavior is learned - where as in animals it is instinct. Therefore, humans have the choice to either lead or follow, to define themselves.

^_^ So if I follow this logic through, what you are saying is that the child born into some war-torn area of Haiti has exactly the same choices as the one born into a wealthy British family somewhere in the Caribbean?


Your family defines your character well into your early teens. The rest of your life is spent trying to break this memetic programming or redefining yourself according to what you would like to be.


Be it conscious or not, that indoctrination is a part of you and is the most basic filter through which you will perceive the world. Initially. As we develop into adulthood we begin to refine processes whereby we add further filters and controls in an attempt to bend the world around ourselves so that it begins to resemble something we would like to be a part of. Ever been told you are kidding yourself. This may be true..... :blink: (scary)


Also, muchos thanks to Malchik. Did some research last night on homosexuality in animals, which has been documented. Just pointing out the following:


1] It is apparantly extrememly rare.

2] It appears to be constrained to mammals , ( a desine flaw or on purpose?).

3] This particular debate has no good ending, (you should see some of the flames out there as a result).


Not being in any position to fell very strongly about this, I hereby bow out gracefully as it is evident that, despite all the philosophy behond it, the answer, as with anything to do with people, will never please all concerns.....


(slinks off into nearest pub, orders round of drinks.......) :rip:

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Religious views are irrelevant because we do not have ecclesiastical govenments in the western hemisphere

But the problem seems to be religious groups arguing against this. If there was a true separation, it would not matter. But, like Peregine said there is no true separation from Church and State. The Church seems to have a large hunk of power in political operations. If what you said is true, than this matter would probably have been done with loong ago.

There is, it is true, a lot of attempted interference. However most sensible people can ignore it. Sadly I fear that the sensible people may be in the minority and like most minority groups will end up persecuted by the brainless hordes!

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Two consenting adults can do what they want, within the confines of the LAW.


And if the law at some point allows people of any sexual orientation to marry,

then meddling religionists should keep to their own and mind their own business.


Anyhow, I find the attitude of the religious types somewhat hypocritical,

when viewing the almost weekly sexual scandals that are attributed to the church, etc.

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This debate has taken a most predictable turn. Homosexuality and all the social beliefs and predjudices associated with it always boils down to religion. I am of the opinion that religion (of the organized, instiutionalized sort) rarely has anything useful to say about much of anything. Therefore, I don't lend any credence religious based arguments. I firmly believe that homosexuality is not learned nor is it a choice per se, rather it is an issue of brain chemistry, and is therefore natural. I want to make it expressly clear that homosexuality is not a disease or a condition, it's just the way they are. I know several homosexuals, and a close relative of mine is also gay. Now, I think it is insulting to insinuate that parentage "causes" one to become homosexual. Gays and lesbians are often times as good of parents as heterosexuals, and in more than a few cases, better parents. Also, if such an argument were true, why can a family have several children who are not homosexual and one who is? Are the parents feeding that one child special "gay" food or whispering "gay" thoughts to them while they sleep? The parental influence argument is laughable. Where parents can make a difference is accepting and loving their child, regardless of the childs sexuality. If you have ever known either a gay or lesbian who has come out, it is a terrifying and painful experience for them.


Given the stereotypes of today's society, I can't image why anyone would "choose" to take that road.

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