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Homosexual Marraiges


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Everyone can have different thoughts about god, i mean have anyone not experienced that something unatural lucky has happened to you sometime? Well that kind of things happens every day for people, and i have even saw in the channel discovery that people who beileves on god have more luck than others, but that is just a test. Nothing proofs that its truth.
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Everyone can have different thoughts about god, i mean have anyone not experienced that something unatural lucky has happened to you sometime? Well that kind of things happens every day for people, and i have even saw in the channel discovery that people who beileves on god have more luck than others, but that is just a test. Nothing proofs that its truth.


Well just because you experence somthing strange you shouldn't jump to the conclusion that it's god. That way of thinking is simular to the cave man that though there was a sky god because he couldn't explain lighting. Not everything in life will come to you explained on a silver platter, somtimes things seem weird but I beleive their is a logical explanation for everything.

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their is a logical explanation for everything.


Indeed. However, most people automatically cross religion off their mental list when they think of a logical solution. Religion is logical, maybe not always credible to some, but thats their train of thinking.

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their is a logical explanation for everything.


Now how can you be sure of that? Perhaps everything is illogical and some guy is laughing himself to death seeing us trying to bring logic in a universe full of chaos. And when everything is really logical: How can you say that something is illogical when you just can't explain it at the moment? Perhaps it is very logical to assume god, but at the moment this logic is just to complex for our not so evolved minds? You can never be sure and to say something is illogical and someone stupid is very arrogant (because with this you are saying that you know the truth; and a lot of people who thought this were surprised later one). It would be better if anyone assumed that he/she doesn't know the truth and perhaps the truth is a lot different than they thought. And of course also assume that someone is perhaps right and you are perhaps wrong, even those "primitive" cavemen.

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I find it absurd that religion must play a huge part in all of the major discussions in the Debate Forum. Well, not absurd, but typical regarding the nature of the Human Race. Though it makes people feel good, and establishes good (if a little outdated) morals and family values, I find religion to be obsolete. Whenever we try to achieve something for the embetterment of Humanity or certain circles of people, there is always some religious group that must stand in the way of progress. Take Genetic Engineering, Gay Marriage, Science, Foreign Policy, handling other religious groups, etc. All suffer from the obstinate protests of religion, and some are hindered by it.


Religion is logical and illogical at the same time. Logical in that people turn to it to explain the unkown parts of the Universe, illogical in that most of the 'unkown parts' have been explained; yet religion still sticks to outdated beliefs, like the Earth and all of it's life forms were created instantly, though all the signs point to a process taking billions upon billions of years.


Also, it's disgusting that Homosexuals must be slandered and libelled by the religous and conservative circles of the media because Homosexuals are different, therefore they are to be feared and shunned as often as possible. This is an illogical and absurd way of dealing with a person's sexual orientation. Just because a person prefers the same sex (and your specific religion condemns that practice) doesn't give you the right to: impose your beliefs on them, write laws that prevent them from enjoying the same rights a heterosexual couple enjoys, prevent them from joining in marriage, nor does it mean that your religion is the only 'true' one and your God is the only 'true' God. That's just plain ignorance and blind stupidity, I have a friend who made the comment that all other religions were wrong and that her religion was the 'true' religion, and the same concerning her God.

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There aren't only religious people against genetic engineering, also green people are against it. And when you really look at it closely you will see that genetic engineering is just too damn risky. You do probably know something about programming. Even in a computer program you can't be sure what the effect of a change can be, because it is so complex. Now a genetic code is a million times more complex than any computer program. How can you have the slightest knowlegde of what will happen? When they would only do this in a lab, okay, no problem, but they put these geneticly engineered plants outside where there are so much influences that you can't controll it anymore. And then they give us these plants to eat. I think this is absolutely irresponsible. Now you do perhaps understand why the European Union forbids the import of geneticly altered food.


And concerning the "advancement" of science: Has anyone here ever thought about those poor animals used in the labs? I don't know how anyone can do this to a living being, this is the worst disrespect for live anyone can show. When it concerns a deadly disease I do understand it, but not for every damn medicament or new pharmaceutica. We don't have the right to destroy life in order to save it or to destroy nature in order to advance in science! Tear down all these atomic plantions, destroy all the cars using gasoline and every factory poluting our environment! Instead use clean energy for everything. And the USA should sign this Kyoto protocoll. And everyone should do something in order to save our environment, because without it, we also can't survive. And of course tell those conservative and economic guys out there to shut there mouths (also concerning the matter of discriminating other people).


I'm sorry if I changed the subject a little, but I just had to say this. I sometimes just get really angry, because of all those stupid guys out there who just can't see or perhaps don't want to see (they probably think: "Why should I think about it? When the big catastrophy comes, I'll be already dead and safe...") And when I get angry, I just have to say it... :angry2:

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In Belgium, the homomarriages were made legal by law...

I, myself, have no problems with homosexuals, but I do not feel confortable around a gay person.

The anti-argument was also, it's against god's will, witch I frankly find a poor argument. I do not say people cannot be religous, it is your right to have a religion, wether it's christian, jewish or muslim or what other religions there are. But for years I had to hear the crap that it is God's wish to love each other and when finally people actually love eachother, it is all of a sudden against God's will...

Quiete poor isn't it?


Do not feel offended by my statement, I have no problems with the fact that you are religous but make sure that the religous statements you use arent a counterpart of what you're religion is trying to teach you.


I just say let those people do... They dont bother us with it...

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White Wolf, GOD EXISTS! It is my opinion and belief. God was against homosexuality and he condemned all who were apart in it to hell. He is still against it today, read the Holy Bible. Its all there. Read it all you can get one for five dollars. If you don't believe it still then my work is done, I can't force you to believe it but give it a chance, you certainly are entertaning the thought of no God.





I urge you to provide proof of your deity before

judging your life and other people's lives on it.


This bible you speak of was written by men like me and you.

They have never seen or met any god.


This leads me to conclude that all the new solely male gods are mere

fabrications, made to control the lives of people like your good self, sir.


However, in our societies, homosexuals do indeed exist.

It matters not if you are hateful, tolerant or indifferent (like me) to them.

We must deal with this everyday reality.


And hiding behind impossible vintage scripture will not suffice.


Please do not see this as a slate of your beliefs.

But merely a call to begin questioning them.

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